Monday, June 13, 2011

Tiring afternoon

After meeting up with my ♥ at Atrium, I proceeded to the PMT Office and waited for our instructor to give us a signal to go upstairs.  At 1310, he finally signaled us to go up, and have our lab lessons in there.  It was cold inside and after class, it was HOT once again.  Jeez.  It really was so hot.  We then proceeded to Urdaneta Park to wait for our next class at the Med Tech Lab with our Histology lab instructor.  As we were waiting for our next class, we (Rhona, King and I) took some wacky webcam pictures in the laptop of Rhona.  Hahaha!  Our poses were really funny. J

At 1600, we headed to the Med Tech Lab and had our lab class in there.  She oriented us with so many things about the lab apparatus and instruments, especially the microscope.  Handling and transporting of the said instrument was oriented by our sir way back in ROTC, a fine arts student.  After class, we bid farewell to ma’am, and as we headed for the exit, we (Poi and I) saw him.  We bid him goodbye and pinched me on my arm.  So painful!  Jeez.  It was raining when we all went home. L