Monday, June 6, 2011

Take a break! Have a break.

After our class in MT 4a, which was Clinical Chemistry with Ma'am Deanna, we (my groupmates and I) went to the library to start with our report about Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry and Flame Emission Spectrophotometry.  Haha!  Out of this world topic.  Hahaha!  We activated our identity to the librarians, went to theOPAC computer, and binggo! we found what we were looking for. :))  Several minutes after, we went to our seats, and discussed what we will be written in our report.  Soon after, we could already hear our stomach's grumbling.  Hungry for food!  We decided to meet up again that afternoon, and off we went to JD Bakeshop.

Walked.  Walked.  Crossed.  Walked.  Under the sun.  Hot.  Walked again, and finally we have reached our destination.  Gawd!  The place was surely crowded with hungry people.  So, we ordered our food, went to our sit (which was saved by Millicent and Lowela), waited for our food, talked about so many things, and ate what we were waiting for.  That was a BON APPETIT!  (Atleast, it took our hungriness for awhile). :))