Friday, June 17, 2011

Manual or automatic?

As I left home, my disastrous umbrella was still okay until when I reached the entrance of our subdivision that it couldn’t be opened anymore.  I was like adrenaline rush when I saw a jeepney stopped in front of me.  Good thing it wasn’t raining that hard.  And it was also a good thing that I brought along his book and that saved me from the drizzling rain above my head.  As I was nearing the front gate of our school, I read the book just until I realized that the jeepney was already nearing our side gate.  Hahaha!  Fcuk me.  Hahahaha!  The story of the book was really that interesting, interesting in the sense that I could have missed school.  Hahaha!  As I went down the jeepney, the rain was pouring hard and STILL! my umbrella was in its disastrous mode.  Oh gawd.  That left me no choice but to run under the pouring rain.  As I entered school, I was soaking wet.  Huwaw.  A good morning to start with! >.<  As I reached Urdaneta Hall, I let my umbrella be fixed to one of my classmates.  And TADAA! he fixed it.  Sad thing was, it couldn’t be closed automatically. L  Opens automatically and closes manually.  How sad it is.