Monday, June 6, 2011

HELL + Purgatory + Heaven

Hell.  During our class in MT 4a, my phone alarmed and it was so freaking loud, and it happened twice!!!  I really was embarrassed in front of my teacher.  Stupid me.  Argh!  Next was, when I went to SM and bought my needs at Watsons (refer to my blog, Manicure/Pedicure Set…with DAMN NIPPER!), and I felt so uneasy about the loss of money that I had.  Urgh!  Finally, the reports to one of my subject!  Jeez!  It really was hard, really really! L  I just had thought that my course was really, really hard.

Purgatory.  While waiting for our teacher in one of my subject after lunch break, we sat at UH Park under the heat of the blazing sun and with the humid air that surrounded us.  And when I rode the jeepney with Lowela, I squatted.  It was really a pain to my thigh!  Urgh!

Heaven.  When I finally meet him, and when sir announced that they will be having their faculty meeting. J  No last subject for us.  Yay!