Friday, June 10, 2011

Hugs and kisses

As I arrived at UH-10, my classmates were so loud (as always).  I went near Florence and Rhona who were eating something, and Rhon asked me it is really my birthday.  So, I just nodded and she greeted, and kissed me on the cheek.  After a moment, I found King’s bag at the 2nd row, and I transferred there ‘cause I can’t really hear well at the back.  After a moment, my girl classmates came one by one to me, greeted me, hugged me, and kissed me on the cheek.  Hahaha!  They really didn’t have any idea that it was my birthday.  Hahaha!  How cute of them.  Thanks classmates! J  Well, for the boys, they just greeted me from afar. J