Friday, June 3, 2011

Damn pedicab drivers

It was at around 1715 when the rain poured Jaro.  It was a furious one.  My heart started to beat faster, and my hands got shaky as well.  I just had remembered what had happened four years ago, Typhoon Frank.  I hadn't recovered from that disaster yet.  As I looked through out the screen of our main door, I saw that our front yard was flooded due to the poor drainage outside our house.  It was found out that those damn pedicab drivers were leaving their trashes and thus that had caused the flood inside the house.  Jeez.  Can't they even throw it to a nearby garbage container?  Pft!  What is fukcing wrong with them?  That does not mean that they didn't finish their studies, they will treat themselves as LOSERS?  So irritating.  As my cousin and I are chatting, the lights went off.  And that's when we panicked and checked all over the house if there's a leakage.  Ten minutes to 1800, the rain calmed down.  Thank God. :))  And at around 1830, the lights went on. :)