Monday, June 20, 2011

Life is so frustrating

Hmmm.  I almost forgot about what happened here.  Hahaha!  Let’s see.  I called up C&E, and I got frustrated ‘cause I was desperate to study that long chapters that ma’am assigned us to study.  So, what else?  I did my manicure and my pedicure… Oh yes!  Mother was scolding us about the electricity that we were consuming because of our laptop ‘projects’.  Was that it?  Oh no!  That happened in the evening.

…I was studying that time, my Bacteriology lecture notes.  I wanted to take a nap but mother was on the lookout.  My task for that day was to pili bugas.  I was just waiting for my alarm, and just when the alarm went ringing, she became a wild pig.  Gawd.  All she does inside the house was to keep everything in sight shining and shimmering clean.  Was that included in a good state of mind?  Seriously.  So, that leaves me no choice but to do it.  After doing such, I ate my mini lunch, and did on ironing on our clothes.  I finished at 1700 in a tired state.