Wednesday, June 8, 2011

MT 4a Lab

Ma’am was really late.  At 0730, she finally arrived and we went inside the lab.  I find it creepy.  She discussed with us about the laboratory rules:

In labeling reagents:

Group Number
Quantity and Name of Reagent

Make up class:
·         Ask permission to the instructor first if you’ll be making up class on a certain day.
·         Get form from MT Lab.
·         Sign it up.
·         Pass it to the working student in the MT Lab.
·         Comply with it.

When it comes to hair:
·         Long hair should be properly tied when one enters the laboratory (applicable to girls).
·         Long hair for boys should be cut short, it’s not tolerable by our instructor.

She also mentioned some requirements to be brought to the laboratory:
·         300 pieces of Sando Bag
·         Handy Muriatic Acid
·         Handy Zonrox
·         Padlock
·         Personal Protective Equipments (laboratory gowns, gloves, and masks)

      And, she also tackled with us some proper techniques for pipetting:
                        For Volumetric
·         Fill the pipet above the zero mark.
·         Wipe the part that was soaked in the specimen.  Make sure you don’t wipe the tip because it changes the volume.
·         Adjust it to zero drop by drop.
·         Tilt the pipet at the side of the specimen’s container for excess liquid.
·         When looking at the lower meniscus, it should be at eye level.
·         Tilt pipet again for excess liquid.
·         Transfer a desired amount to another container by drawing it. 
For Serologic
·         Serologic Pipettes vary: 0.1 mL, 1 mL, 2 mL, 5 mL, and 10 mL.
·         When transferring it to a certain container, it should be done drop by drop.  Drop by drop so that one could get rid of the droplets that could change the specimen’s volume on the sides of the pipet.
·         After transferring the desired amount, draw the excess specimen back at the original container.

And after which, we practiced our skills in pipetting with GLOVES which was so hard to handle.  After an hour or so, Ma’am asked us to fill out our names in a one whole sheet of pad paper for the practical.  I listed myself on the 7th number. J