Saturday, June 4, 2011

Conversation between ex's...

girl: your new girlfriend is pretty. (i bet she stole your heart) 
boy: yeah, she is. (but you’re still the most beautiful girl i know) 

girl: i heard she’s funny & amazing. (all the stuff i wasn’t) 
boy: she sure is. (but she’s nothing compared to you) 
girl: i bet you know everything about her by now (like how you knew just about everything about me) 
boy: only the stuff that count (i can’t even remember the stuff she tells me when i think of you) 
girl: well, I hope you guys last. (because we never did) 
boy: i hope we do too. (whatever happened to me & you?) 
girl: well i got to go. (before i start to cry) 
boy: yeah me too. (i hope you don’t cry) 
girl: bye. (i still love you) 
boy: later. (i never stopped)

Hahaha! :))  I find it cute.  LOL.