Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Walking marathon

As soon as I finished my assignment in Bacteriology lab, I proceeded to 4th of July to photocopy the notes of King.  After that, I went to Atrium to eat at Chowking (my late lunch), bought my L’Oreal conditioner, and went to Apollo Dentist churva.  The salesgirl told me to go their clinic which was just located at the same area and was sad to know that the brush for the brace wasn’t available.  I’ve got no choice but to go to my dentist’s office and buy my brush, so I walked with my heels to there and back to Atrium again then to YMCA so that I could ride a jeepney home, and do my chores at home.  Such a exhausted day for me.  Phew.

I couldn't ask for more

As I was doing my assignment in Bacteriology laboratory at one of the internet cafĂ© way back in school, this song just suddenly played.  And one person came in to my mind, him. ♥  And that very moment, I remembered him singing it to me at the house of one of my gal friends when she had her debut that time.  We were at the balcony, and he sang it to me with tears falling off his cheek.  Aww. ♥  I could have just hug him if he were right beside me that time.  I suddenly missed him at that time. L  Friday and Saturday is so slowly approaching. L
Here’s the lyrics of the song:

Lying here with you, listening to the rain.
Smiling just to see a smile upon your face.
And these are the moments I'll remember all my life.
I found all I've waited for and I could not ask for more.
Looking in your eyes, seeing all I need.
Girl, I think you are it's everything to me.
These are the moments I know heaven must exist.
These are the moments I know all I need is this.
I have all I've waited for and I could not ask for more.

I could not ask for more than this time together.
I couldn't ask for more that this time with you.
Every breath has been answered. Every dream that has come through.
Yeah, right here in this moment, it's that we're all meant to be. 
(Oh) here with you, here with me.

And these are the moments I thank God that I'm alive.
And these are the moments I'll remember all my life. 
I've got all I've waited for and I could not ask for more. 

[Repeat Reff]

I could not ask for more than the love you gave me 
cos it's all I've waited for.
And I could not ask for more.


Whoooo!  I really, really can’t believe that I actually passed the practical!  Wahaha!  First of all, I would like to thank our God the ever Almighty from up above for sending forth Your Holy Spirit to guide me in what I have done.  For my family who are always there supporting me from roots to its fruits, and my love who is always there to support me in whatever I will do with my life.  Thank you all! J


I woke up at 0400, took a bath, prayed my novena, ate my breakfast, studied what I have to study, and left the house for good.  I was really trembling because today is my turn to have a nervous heart, the practicals.  I was really praying and hoping that I would pass this so called practical.  Cross fingers for me! >.<

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

NO STOCK! Boohoo

We just knew from Leslie that the Clin Mic book could also be bought on NBS, SM City.  Just right after our Med Tech Laws and Bioethics class, we proceeded to SM City to buy that pahamak book.  I even hadn’t read the whole thing last weekend because they were all out of stock.  And unfortunately, there wasn’t.  Very bad.

No class in Histo! Double YEY!

I was rushing towards my classroom as I saw my watch ticking five minutes before seven.  As I entered our room, they were already sitting on their ass and were writing on a ½ sheet of pad paper.  So, I hurriedly sat down, got my paper from my bag, and asked my seat mate what was question number one.  Good thing I studied well. J

And one more thing; we won’t be meeting with our dean the next meeting (Thursday).  Yay! :D

Just in time and YEY!

I was rushing towards my classroom as I saw my watch ticking five minutes before seven.  As I entered our room, they were already sitting on their ass and were writing on a ½ sheet of pad paper.  So, I hurriedly sat down, got my paper from my bag, and asked my seat mate what was question number one.  Good thing I studied well. J

And one more thing; we won’t be meeting with our dean the next meeting (Thursday).  Yay! :D

Frank's Anniversary

On this very day, he came to Iloilo with such a disastrous trail.  And on that day, I hadn’t expected that our house will be flooded.  I was seated at the living room reading a book when suddenly out of nowhere I saw a brown thing on my side.  I shrieked out that water was coming in.  As I saw our front yard, it was already filled with water, brown ones.  That was the most horrible moment that I ever encountered in my entire life.  And I wish and pray that that thing wouldn’t happen in the mere future again. 

Monday, June 20, 2011

F word

I really hate it when she compares me to her course.  It’s really bullshit!  She took up way beyond my course and compares it.  And duh?!  There were no books around her time, and there was only little technology during her time.  Just how dare her to match me up to her?  Jeez.  She really doesn’t understand what I will be going through.  Ugh!

Hot scramble

Later that evening, I just have my so-called ‘hot scramble’ for my dinner.  Since I don’t have the appetite to chew and digest rice.

Stawberry oats + energen

Life is so frustrating

Hmmm.  I almost forgot about what happened here.  Hahaha!  Let’s see.  I called up C&E, and I got frustrated ‘cause I was desperate to study that long chapters that ma’am assigned us to study.  So, what else?  I did my manicure and my pedicure… Oh yes!  Mother was scolding us about the electricity that we were consuming because of our laptop ‘projects’.  Was that it?  Oh no!  That happened in the evening.

…I was studying that time, my Bacteriology lecture notes.  I wanted to take a nap but mother was on the lookout.  My task for that day was to pili bugas.  I was just waiting for my alarm, and just when the alarm went ringing, she became a wild pig.  Gawd.  All she does inside the house was to keep everything in sight shining and shimmering clean.  Was that included in a good state of mind?  Seriously.  So, that leaves me no choice but to do it.  After doing such, I ate my mini lunch, and did on ironing on our clothes.  I finished at 1700 in a tired state. 


I called C&E Bookshop past 0900, and the sad thing was: still no stock of that damn book.  Hopefully, it will arrive tomorrow.  </3

Sunday, June 19, 2011

DISTRACTIONS! (ugh? or ugh!)

I haven’t finished one of my assignments and haven’t started on some of my assignments because of networking sites.  Hahaha!  So, darn darn me.  Jeeez.  How can I make myself obey to my every command?  Gawd.


Wednesday is fast approaching.  I was thinking about the pipetting practical all the time.  I was also trembling because I haven’t prayed my morning novena due to the damn blog, and I was scared that the Almighty above won’t answer my prayer.  Oh Dear Almighty, please answer my prayers.  Amen.

FDE 605

The plate number that hit the side mirror of our dear Teroy.  Good thing it wasn’t damaged and such. J

Strained eyesz

Been in front of my laptop for 8 hours.  Hahaha!  And my eyes went straining.  Hahaha!  I really want to take a nap, NO not just a nap but a SLEEP.  Hahahaha!  Bad me.

Us going to church. J


Due to reading blogs just after the time I woke up, all my schedules for the day were doomed.  Hahaha!  So, so darn me.  Blame ME and ME.  Nan!  

Implementation of an American life (have to get used to it)

Sunday breakfast would always be oats and some side dish.  For today, it was Delifranz’ Spanish Bread.  Yum, yum! J


Saturday, June 18, 2011

Retarded ghost

My sister went home tired (?), or was it just her alibi.  I don’t know.  It was her time to shine to wash the dishes.  And she got upset because of what she saw from the sink.  Many, many dishes.  And it was also her turn to fill the containers of water.  Mother forced me to wash the dishes but I rebuked.  It was her turn, and not mine.  Why should I wash those if it wasn’t mine.  Gawd.  Afterwards, she started washing those dishes and I heard noises from the kitchen.  It was only her.  I thought it was a retarded ghost.  

Let's do the VROOM! VROOM!

I wasn’t really in the mood to vacuum our carpet, but due to a public demand, I don’t have any choice.  I went upstairs to get the vacuum cleaner, read the bullshit manual, and assembled it.  As I finished assembling it, I plugged it to the socket, switched it on, and shrieked.  Hahahaha!  Then, I vacuumed the carpet as what my mother had requested.  VROOM VROOM. J


After I took a bath, I went to C&E Bookshop without riding any vehicles.  As I reached my destination, I was so frustrated that I wanted to be wild that I just wasted my energy and sweat just for nothing!  Poofssh!  There are still no stocks of the book that I wanted to avail.  Huwaaaah!  My world is shrinking, my damn world is shrinking!  What will I do??  Chapters one to three long quiz would be on Tuesday!  Oh c’mon! L 

LESSON LEARNED: call the shop first before anything bad happens. L L L

Friday, June 17, 2011

Raining cows and pigs

As we finished eating our fried ice cream, I decided to go to school since I kinda am running late for the next subject.  So, we rid the SM City Proper jeepney and stopped in front of our school.  We bid our goodbyes and he proceeded to his school.  It’s just not fair that their classes will still be at 1400.  Hahaha!  As I was nearing our office, I had the obstacle to cross the flooding areas.  Hahaha!  Since my right shoe is kinda broken, small amount of water came in.  Hahaha!  It was the yuckiest feeling that I ever felt.  And it was then that afternoon was raining. 

Raining cows and pigs?  It was Henry who had said that.  Hahaha!  His reason?  Because the rain was pouring hard.  LOL.

Strawberry and/or chocolate?

My friends and I went to SM after our tardy class.  Our instructor only held class for an hour.  Cool!  Haha!  We went to So Fab, then to the department store for King to buy her shoes for the day (since her shoes were wet from the so called ‘flood’, and we went to Mang Inasal for them to eat their lunch while I was waiting for him.  He texted, and he was outside the said fast food chain.  We went to Green Mango to eat our lunch, and I have to admit that he was handsome and as well as HOT.  Hahahahaha!  (Bal an ko nga mabasahan niya ni, KADLAW KA LANG DA MAYO AH). :D  After lunch, we went to the Information Counter stall to buy me a load for the weekend.  Haha!  After that, we went to the department store to buy me a tissue paper, and a headband <------ which I hadn’t bought ‘cause I wasn’t in the mood to pick any.  Hahahaha!  Then, we went to Miguelitos to eat our fried ice cream.  We were arguing about the syrup that we want to put as our toppings.  Hahaha!  It was his fault anyway!  I asked him if what syrup does he want, and he answered me whatever I like.  So, I asked for strawberry, and thus he changed his mind and changing his to chocolate.  Hahaha!  Anyway, I took the chocolate alone and went ahead of him to the escalator.  As we met at the end of the escalator, his face couldn’t be read.  Hahaha!  So, I gave him back his chocolate and I took back my strawberry. >.<  


Fried ice cream 

Manual or automatic?

As I left home, my disastrous umbrella was still okay until when I reached the entrance of our subdivision that it couldn’t be opened anymore.  I was like adrenaline rush when I saw a jeepney stopped in front of me.  Good thing it wasn’t raining that hard.  And it was also a good thing that I brought along his book and that saved me from the drizzling rain above my head.  As I was nearing the front gate of our school, I read the book just until I realized that the jeepney was already nearing our side gate.  Hahaha!  Fcuk me.  Hahahaha!  The story of the book was really that interesting, interesting in the sense that I could have missed school.  Hahaha!  As I went down the jeepney, the rain was pouring hard and STILL! my umbrella was in its disastrous mode.  Oh gawd.  That left me no choice but to run under the pouring rain.  As I entered school, I was soaking wet.  Huwaw.  A good morning to start with! >.<  As I reached Urdaneta Hall, I let my umbrella be fixed to one of my classmates.  And TADAA! he fixed it.  Sad thing was, it couldn’t be closed automatically. L  Opens automatically and closes manually.  How sad it is.

For real?!

I was really shocked to see (and also know) that one of our seniors back then had this serious relationship with a teacher.  Hahaha!  I’m so like, the last person ever to know that shocking (history) news.  LOL.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Poor dog

As I was tumblering, I saw this photo of the dog sa halayan with five clothes clip.  It was such a young dog, and it was even reported on TV Patrol the last night.  I really pitied the dog, and whoever did that, must be in hell right now.  How dare him do that to his adorable puppy. 

They, too, have feelings like us humans.  Jeez. >.<
This dog has feelings, too. </3


My right pelvic bone was in pain.  It had been in this condition since Wednesday.  I don’t know how and why, and then I realized that I slipped all my way down from a jeepney last Wednesday at lunchtime.  O U C H

Sweet conversation

After I did my laundry, I texted him that I’ll make a very short call (since I’m using SUPERTRIO15 worth: one day unlimited texting to Globe/TM, five SMS to other networks, and five minutes of call).  We talked over the phone, and it was cut short. L  He promised me to call me at nine this evening. J

Damn Histo book

After all I did my works to be done; I was in the mood to make my assignment in Histology.  But alas, the next two questions were nowhere to be found in the book.  All the time that I spent for nothing was such a WASTE.  I could have even made it more productive if only the room of my mother wasn’t locked.  Thank you, mother!  *Sigh*


I woke up at around 0430, took a bath, prayed my novena, and ate my breakfast before I went to school.  I arrived early because I was late the last Tuesday, and was afraid that I will lose points for the quiz if I’m late.  Gladly, our Dean came in a little bit late and just continued her discussions about the History of Bacteriology: the people behind the said science, and their contributions.  Funny thing was when Karlo went in the room late and had his cap on.  Dean made a face that she disliked it because in her generation, caps were taken off before entering the room.  She told us stories of so long ago that she disliked boxing, and can’t understand the scoring points of basketball.  Haha!  We considered that as our short break in between her discussions.  Phew!  And she gave us assignments to work on to.  Hmmm. 1 whole or 1 half?  Anyone?  Tss.

Theology was next.  We reported on the different issues of our province, country, and the world.  We, the group 4, were the ones who reported first about Mass Media.  Next, was about Economics, Politics, Education and then Religious.  As the other groups were reporting, I fell asleep.  Hahaha!  I really was that kind of sleep. J

Med Tech Laws and Bioethics was the last subject of the day.  We had our quiz on the history and the first 15 sections of the Republic Act 005527.  It was easy if only I wasn’t that careless.  I answered right away before reading the statement again.  I got 4 mistakes on the first quiz. L  Then, ma’am discussed to us I think the next 6 sections.  We were dismissed way too early, and she’ll just continue the remaining sections the next meeting.  Yay!  Got to see my ♥, then. J

We met at Chowking @ Robinsons and obviously took our lunch there.  I ordered wanton while he ordered chicken noodles.  Haha!  As we were talking while waiting for our food to be delivered, the number stand flew off to his lap.  Hahaha!  I hit it accidentally with my hand.  LOL.  After lunch, we roamed around the mall, cracked jokes to each other and finally decided on to sit on the benches on the 1st floor.  His time had come that he has to go back to his school.  That leaves me no choice, since I want to rest, too, and finish all my darn assignments in just one afternoon.  Gladly, I’ll be seeing him tomorrow at lunch time. ♥

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

The June 13th cake

As I was writing or rather typing my blog, I got to see the picture from my web feeds in facebook the two pictures of a cake from Tinapayan that our class bought to Father Reyes.  It indeed was so cute, and I love the comment that Father had posted, it says: tHanks sOoo mUch fer d b'dAy cAke! jUst d riGht 1 fer mE giVen by d cOoleSt ppOl of d pLanet! I'l neveR forgEt dAt dAy gUyS! God bLeSS u aLL!  I was really touched.  Who couldn’t be touched of what we had done?  Hahaha! J

Yummy! ♥

One lazy afternoon...

As I went home from Atrium, I ate my Leylam Shawarma rice with egg lunch at the dining table.  After that, I took a half bath, did my laundry, exercised the engine of our car, read what I printed out (Cytogenetics), slept while reading the whole 8 pages, did my laundry again (the pajama stain), studied Bioethics, called my ♥, studied Bioethics some more, texted my ♥, slept at my ♥ (just realized it after I woke up HAHA!), studied Bacteriology while texting my ♥.  Haha!  Lazy?  I heard the song entitled The Lazy Song by Bruno M. when my phone alarmed so many times while I was still in the bathroom.  Hahaha!  So, that’s it. J


Just this morning, we have our practical in pipetting.  But only the first five would be doing it for the day.  I was number seven, and I get to do it the next Wednesday.  So creepy.  First ones who took the practical exam were Excel and Kate.  As they were pipetting, we went to the Mendel Hall to get our apparatus from the chemistry laboratory (Imagine that our Med Tech Lab was at Urdaneta, and we have to walk that far to Mendel which was kind of scary since almost all of our apparatus are made of glasswares).  So, we got it, and we took long breathes of oxygen from the surrounding as we carried the fragile apparatus to our laboratory.  Creepy, eh?  Tsk2.  And, we have our locker assigned under the sink, which was not so okay, and that leaves us no choice since some of the lockers were occupied already (we were the last ones to get our apparatus).  So, we designed it, and we get to arrange how we put the apparatus inside.  And since it was so small, we had a hard time arranging it because it was really so crowded.  Tsk.  After the arranging of apparatus, the results of the practical exam were already released.  Two out of five only passed it, thus leaving the three an incomplete grade.  We started to worry since then. >.<

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Chapters 1, 2, and 3

It was our first time meeting up with our Clinical Microscopy instructor.  Everyone was saying that she’s the terror type, but I find her not (or is it just the appearance?).  Well, anyways.  I’m looking forward for her lessons in the following days.  She gave us some assignments to be passed on the next Tuesday, and she also required us to buy a book at C&E Bookshop.  Her final farewell was for us to read chapters 1, 2, and 3 of the said book.  Good luck to us.  Good thing is that there’s no class on Monday.  Yay! J


Thanks to my dear little sister that I was late in class (Bacteriology with Ma’am Dean).  As I went in, they were already having the quiz.  Good thing, they were still answering the number one question.  And also special thanks to Karlo for whispering what paper will be of used in the quiz.  Phew! J

Monday, June 13, 2011

Tiring afternoon

After meeting up with my ♥ at Atrium, I proceeded to the PMT Office and waited for our instructor to give us a signal to go upstairs.  At 1310, he finally signaled us to go up, and have our lab lessons in there.  It was cold inside and after class, it was HOT once again.  Jeez.  It really was so hot.  We then proceeded to Urdaneta Park to wait for our next class at the Med Tech Lab with our Histology lab instructor.  As we were waiting for our next class, we (Rhona, King and I) took some wacky webcam pictures in the laptop of Rhona.  Hahaha!  Our poses were really funny. J

At 1600, we headed to the Med Tech Lab and had our lab class in there.  She oriented us with so many things about the lab apparatus and instruments, especially the microscope.  Handling and transporting of the said instrument was oriented by our sir way back in ROTC, a fine arts student.  After class, we bid farewell to ma’am, and as we headed for the exit, we (Poi and I) saw him.  We bid him goodbye and pinched me on my arm.  So painful!  Jeez.  It was raining when we all went home. L

Clin Chem quiz

I really don’t have any idea that our instructor will give us a quiz about what she had discussed last meeting.  Good thing, I was ‘listening’ in class way back the last time we had met.  I was answering the quiz with random stuffs on my mind.  Good day. >.<


A good day to start it right.  By the time I woke up, it started all over again.  The continuation of last night.  So uncool, huh?  

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Sound system

I was doing my assignment all of a sudden when she became loud.  Gawd!  What the hell did she thinks of my course?!  Just that of an HRM?!  And, comparing her course to mine?!  That’s absurd!  A good night sleep for me, huh?  Jeez.


After lunch, we went to Atrium for us to eat ice cream and for mother to do her groceries.
I ate drumstick, the choco java flavored one, while the two ate an ordinary ice cream.  I saw Tabanao and Doris, as well.

This wasn’t the flavor that I ate, can’t find any picture pertaining to what I ate.


            We went to church at around 0930, and attended mass.  After that, we proceeded to Tatoys to eat our lunch.  The food that mother ordered was so yummy! J

Lechon kawali, Baboy Atay,Valenciana, Lechong Manok, and Tangigue

Mutants are PROUD

After we ate at Carlitos, we proceeded to SM City to buy for my things and watch X-Men: First Class.  It was already past one as we arrived in there.  The next movie will start at two, so we were like walking fast.  We went first at the grocery to buy my (our) requirements at the lab: safeguard, 300pcs sando bag, trash bin, zonrox, muriatic acid,  and eficascent oil.  Then, we went to Rose Pharmacy but it was too crowded, so went first to National Book Store, and again it was really so crowded, and back to the supermarket to deposit my grocery goods.  After that we went to the movie house and was shocked to know that the time schedules was changed.  The next movie will be at 1500, so we went down at Rose Pharmacy to buy box of masks, box of gloves and rubber aspirator.  Then, we headed to Ace Hardware and saw Dana in there. J  We looked for a cheap padlock (but in the end it cost PHP199.75), and went in the Department Store to buy my sissy’s notebook, and my intermediated pad and masking tape.  After that, we watched the movie! ♥

            After watching the movie, my mind went blank, and all that I think about was the movie.  It was really so amazing! J  Haha!  Want to watch it again and again. ♥

They really are awesome! ♥

Saturday, June 11, 2011


As we arrived at Carlitos, no customers were around.  Hahaha!  Only the two of us.  It’s as if we occupied the whole restaurant.  LOL.  We ordered what we like (or shall I say I liked, and he just followed what I ordered), and two iced tea. 

Delicious Steak De Teresa. ♥

Bowling: Sad Face (Since I can't post a smiley in the title blog)

I left my house at 1015.  I was just leaving and yet he was already there (somewhere out of my doc’s clinic)!  He sure was so early.  At 1035, I finally had arrived in front of Assumption and saw him sitting among the waiting sheds in front of ICES.  He was wearing white and I was wearing (okay, aaminin ko na) pink.  I really hated the color, but I liked the shirt thought, it was our department’s shirt.  After I approached him, he gave me something; a peace offering from last night.  Hahaha!  A Rocher FerreroJ  Hahaha!  So, we went in my doc’s clinic and waited for my name to be called.  After minutes (which had reached to an hour) of waiting, I immediately said to him that bowling for today will be cancelled due to time matters.  And he was quite okay with it.  I felt sorry for him because he was excited the night before.  We were really loud in there.  It’s as if only the two of us exist.  Hahaha!  And at quarter  to 12, my name was finally called.  Color = sky blueJ

Friday, June 10, 2011

Rai Rai Busog

As I arrived at SM City, I proceeded to Rai Rai Ken and was shocked to see that my auntie was there with my mother and sissy.  I went inside, and she greeted me with a kiss on the cheek.  I didn’t know that my cousin was at my back when I entered the food shop.  Haha!  So, we ordered.  I ordered one of the best sellers: Kantonmen.  Yummy! ♥  And, dinner was served along with the others. J

Yummy! J


After class, I went to an internet cafĂ© to print my assignments which to be passed on Monday.  After the printing, the guy summed all up my expenses and it was worth PHP40.00.  I got my twenty peso bill in one of my hand, and I was shocked and silly to know that what I had printed were colored pictures, and that was costly.  I looked for my coin purse, and I was relieved to see that I still have two ten peso coins!  Phew!  Hahaha!  Or else, I’m dead as meat. J  Thank God. :D

It's gonna be a HELL year

Our instructor in Cytogenetics is Dr. Noe Bataga, and he had been telling us some scary stuffs that will happen to us in the near future.  Many obstacles to fight for, too many lessons to study to.  Hope we’ll survive this year.  Every time I think of what he had said, it just give me the creeps.

The boy from the rest room

After I attended mass at SM Delgado (which I hadn’t finished attending to due to time matters), I immediately went to the rest room at the mall, and heard a cry from the inside.  It was a little boy who wants to pee but don’t want to because he was surrounded by girls.  Haha!  How cute. J

Hugs and kisses

As I arrived at UH-10, my classmates were so loud (as always).  I went near Florence and Rhona who were eating something, and Rhon asked me it is really my birthday.  So, I just nodded and she greeted, and kissed me on the cheek.  After a moment, I found King’s bag at the 2nd row, and I transferred there ‘cause I can’t really hear well at the back.  After a moment, my girl classmates came one by one to me, greeted me, hugged me, and kissed me on the cheek.  Hahaha!  They really didn’t have any idea that it was my birthday.  Hahaha!  How cute of them.  Thanks classmates! J  Well, for the boys, they just greeted me from afar. J


I woke up early in the morning to attend mass at Jaro Cathedral, but unfortunately I hadn’t because it was raining.  So, I slept again and woke up at 0500, and turned on my laptop to keep myself busy until 0800 (since my class is still at 0900).  As I opened my facebook account, greetings flooded.  Haha!  Thanks to them that they made my day extra super specialJ  And, oh yeah, Kristian greeted me first.  He texted me at 0000 midnight.  Hahaha!  I just read it when I woke up at 0400. J

Thursday, June 9, 2011

RA 5527

This was a very long assignment in Med Tech Laws and Bioethics.  But I managed to finish copying and editing it from a site. J

REPUBLIC ACT NO. 5527 (As amended by RA 6132, PD 498 and PD 1534.)
An Act Requiring the Registration of Medical Technologist, Defining Their Practice, and for Other Purposes

            Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Philippines in Congress assembled:

            Section 1. Title . – This Act may be also cited as the Philippine Medical Technology Act of 1969.

            Section 2. Definition of Terms. - As used in this Act, the following terms shall mean:
a.       Practice of Medical Technology - A person shall be deemed to be in the practice ofmedical technology within the meaning of this Act, who shall for a fee, salary or othercompensation or reward paid or given directly or indirectly through another, renders anyof the following professional services for the purpose of aiding the physician in thediagnosis, study and treatment of diseases and in the promotion of health in general:

1.      Examination of tissues, secretions and excretions of the human body and bodyfluids by various electronic, chemical, microscopic, bacteriologic, hematologic,serologic, immunologic, nuclear, and other laboratory procedures and techniqueseither manual or automated;
2.      Blood banking procedures and techniques;
3.      Parasitologic, Mycologic and Microbiologic procedures and techniques;
4.      Histopathologic and Cytotechnology; provided that nothing in this paragraph shallinhibit a duly registered medical laboratory technician from performinghist op at ho log ic techniques and procedures.
5.      Clinical research involving patients or human beings requiring the use of and/orapplication of medical technology knowledge and procedures;
6.      Preparations and standardization of reagents, standards, stains and others,provided such reagents, standards, stains and others are exclusively for the use oftheir laboratory;
7.      Clinical laboratory quality control;
8.      Collection and preservation of specimens;

Provided, That any person who has passed the corresponding Board examination for the practice of a profession already regulated by existing law, shall not besubject to the provisions of the last four preceding paragraphs if the performance of such acts or services is merely incidental to his profession.

b.      Pathologist - A duly registered physician who is specially trained in methods of laboratory medicine, or the gross and microscopic study and interpretation of tissues, secretion and excretions of the human body and its functions in order to diagnose disease, follow its course, determine the effectivity of treatment, ascertain cause of death and advance medicine by means of research….

And blah, blah, blah.  Ten pages long.  

Anots and Kusis

My friend posted a picture of us in my wall.  She greeted me an advance happy birthday.  Hehe.  And, I was so touched of what she did.

Thanks for all the "anot" and "kusi", for the cuddles, and for all the hugs that you give. You're one of the sweetest girls around, and I hope you never change. You listen to my every rant, and I'm loving you more for that. Tigul-it ka naman bwas, dawg. Pero cute ka gid gihapon. Hehehe. Happy birthday in advance, Tia Bernasol! Stay happy and inlove! I love you very much and I'm always here! :)