Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Lakwatsa Weekend


Car wash girl

I woke up early in the morning just to wash the car.  I took a bath, ate my breakfast, and cleaned the car as fast as I can.  I alarmed my phone to 0930, and fix myself for my meeting with him.  In the end, I left my alarm as it is and just kept on snoozing for every 10 minutes until my phone alarmed at 1000 that I really have to fix myself na because I was really, really late.  I hope he understands my situation.  Our said time, which was supposed to be at 1000, was moved to 1100.  Ayst.

This is really is it!

On this day, I’ve got to see my loves (AC and him); have fun, and have fun.  Hahahaha!  We all met at the National Bookstore.  Henry was there first, then Ayvie, then KM, came Euge and Dana at the Sbarro (we ate our lunch there).  Hehe. J

After eating lunch, Henry and I went out first to see this one of a kind movie.  It says “The Tree of Life”, Brad Pitt was the main character.  Hahaha!  So, we watched it anyway,  Few people only watched, and we just did nothing in there but laugh, and laugh of our doings.  Hahahaha!  We repeated the movie almost thrice.  Hahaha!

After we watched the movie, I texted KM and Ayvie if where were they,  Ayvie replied that they were in the department store.  So, we went there and hadn’t found them.  I called her, and that she didn’t answer.  And finally, she replied saying that they were outside Fujifilm.  Haha!  After several minutes, Henry and I went home. J  Such a bittersweet day, but had fun. J

SUNDAY, JULY 31, 2011

Busog Day

I woke up late ‘cause it was freezing cold and was tired of yesterday.  Hehe.  How I miss him so badly na. >.<  We’re supposed to attend mass at 1500, but a friend of nanay sent a message that they will be willing to go with us and have fun.  But as they were texting, her friend suddenly backed out because of reasons; that their boss won’t allow them to go out of the hotel because they still have so many things to do.  Okay.  That was the sad thing.  The good thing was the show must go on even without them.  Yey!  Mama will be going with us, and we have to wait for her here at home.  So, while waiting for her, I got to finish my report in Histology. Ending, still have so many things to put into the powerpoint.  Argh!  Damn that pinegreen. 

Just as when the clock striked 1530, Mama called out from the gate.  Hehe.  And we went to Tatoys.  As we had arrived, not much people were eating there.  Haha!  We ordered our food, waited for it, and gobbled it all up!  Yuummmmy! J  After all that, we dropped Mama at the Cathedral and we all proceeded home to rest for the 1800 mass. 

In the evening, I got to finish (sa wakas) OUR report in Histology.  Phew.  Got to sleep late again.  Night! J

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