Sunday, September 4, 2011

Yin Yang Week


I got to see him just a glimpse.  Wee!

It was such an unexpected moment where I could hold his hand, look at him straight in the eyes even just for a minute or so.  I’m so happy that I got to see him even just for a while. ♥

Hectic lab experiment

We got to see our prelim exam result for Clinical Microscopy LAB.  I got a 76% equivalent.  Blame me for being so reckless when it comes to calibrating that stupid hydrometer and refractometer.  Gawd.
Today, we gotta perform a bunch of experiments; three experiments.  Rothera’s Test for Ketones in Urine, Gerhadt’s Test for Diacetic Acid, and Hart’s Test.  Hahaha!  Hectic one but a fun one. 

Not my day

In Histology LAB, I didn’t have the little chance to get a view from any of the specimens that we had requested last week.  I got to view the freaking heart, and yet I hadn’t viewed it correctly.  Plus for the shit microscope that I have.  It wasn’t a good one.
Just after the shitty experiment, we’ve got to get the objective from her for our report tomorrow.  Gosh.  I wasn’t really in the mood to edit all those things, so I let our leader edit those.  Here was the objective:

I ended my day with a </3.


Woke up early, yet I was still late!

I couldn’t ever imagine that I was still late in spite that I woke up early.  Goodness!  If only I had eaten that oat thing, I could have been so early.  Argh! 

Thank goodness that we didn’t have any quiz that time.  Phew. J  (But still, I was late). L

2 quizzes on Thursday?!

Half day nga on Thursday but we’ve got to go through a lot of worries before we’ve got to enjoy our half day.  Hayst. L

All alone

After our Histology class, nobody waited for me, and I just went to the library alone.  I did my ‘studying’ thing for our tomorrow’s quiz.  Hehe.  I was sleepy that time.

No class!

After several minutes, my classmates that just entered the air-conditioned library just told me that our instructor in Clinical Microscopy LEC won’t be having a class with us.  Yay!  Home sweet home!

Don’t trust anyone even if it is your sibling pa

When I was just riding the jeepney on my way home, my mother texted me that she caught my sissy and her friends (+Go) relaxing at home.  That made her super saiyan.  I replied to her what I saw and caught last Thursday.  Haha!  Okay2.  Just when I got home, mother was in a rage.  She asked me to call and text her at the same time, and even texted her friend that she won’t be attending school for the rest of her life.  Wow.  Harsh ano?  Tsk2.

As just my sissy had arrived home, she immediately brought up the friggin’ topic about him entering the house just to see the coconut tree at the backyard.  Gawd.  That is what I really hate about YLOUISA GAY BERNASOL.  Remember that name, ‘cause she’s listed in my enemy book.  Curse her.  Argh! 



I was like a madman when I woke up at almost 0600.  Really!  I was in a rush to accomplish my task before leaving the house.  Gosh.  Sleep is my favorite past time.  Aynaku.  Hahaha!

Weee!  3 all! 

Today was pipetting day (AGAIN).  It was our anticoagulant preparation day for our venipuncture next, next week.  Lavet!  Hahaha!

Happeeee! ♥

Fake friends

I don’t need them just to ruin my day.  And I hate the fact that they just only need me when they want something from me.  Gosh.  Hate THEM.  That’s all, THANK YOU!  Argh!

300php left!  Wee!

I saw my savings account (in my other wallet), and I just needed a few amount to complete the certain amount.  Hahaha!  Got to buy it.  Aja! :)

Psychology Test

My friend in facebook sent me a psychology test on my wall.  So, I tried it.  To my knowledge, I already took this one way back in high school, during our Values Education class.  Hahaha!  So, anyway, I typed in to these answers and got the interpretations right away. 

This one has something to do with my priorities in life:
1) Pig – money…oh gosh, I’m not that kind of person who revolves around money!
2) Tiger – pride…I’m that kind of person but I am not that low.
3) Horse – family…this one should have been the first.
4) Cow – career…this should be the third, for love should be the second.
5) Sheep – love…oh noo!  Not love!  Pride should have been here!  Nooo!

This one has something to do with the adjectives of life (of how you describe your life):
1) Dog – playful…I guess this goes to my attitude.  Haha!
2) Cat – sweet… I will never ever forget this.  Cat represents my partner, HIM.  So true. :)
3) Rat – stinks…And this one, too!  This represents my enemies.  True again!
4) Coffee – not that sweet…Hahaha!  Sex life?  Oohhh.
5) Sea – calm…yeah.  This represents my life. :)

This one has something to do with your love of your life but forgot the interpretations:
1) Yellow – I put here my sister
2) Orange – here, my father
3) Red – here, my mother
4) White – Twin Soul…I will never ever forget this.  I put in here, Henry.  Hehe.
5) Green – here, Mama


For the love of bacte not to be late, my tongue was stung

I woke up with a fresh start.  Wishing not to be late for school, I hurriedly did what I was supposed to do.  After I fixed my things and all, I proceeded to the kitchen to take my breakfast.  As I was eating way too fast, my tongue was slightly burnt by what I was eating.  :(  Ganyan kita ka mahal, Bacteriology!  Hahaha!  
Fortunately, I wasn’t late!  And the bad thing was, we have a damn quiz.  Jeez.

Mother, let me live 

It was our first day of our reporting in Theology, and it was all about Morality.  Group 1 showed us videos of its different kinds.  Abortion was one.  It was just so creepy to even just watch it.  Really.  Here are some pictures to which.


June 16, 1956

It’s about time for our quiz on MT Laws and Bioethics.  The quiz was about the Republic Act No. 1517 and Republic Act No. 7719.  I find it easy?  Hahahahaha!  :)

Hate the rain

Make up class in Clinical Chemistry this afternoon, and have to go home ‘cause I really want to sleep.  Darn the rain for making me wet all over.  Hayst! 

Make-up class cancelled!

As I was washing dishes, I received a message from my classmate saying that our make up class in Clin Chem was cancelled.  Hahaha!  Lalalavet! :)


One big hospital

Our hospital shall compose the following:
1) Two doctors – his oldest brother and my sissy’s bf’s brother 
2) Two nurses – his two older brothers
3) Pharmacist – my sissy’s bf
4) Medical Technologist – yours truly
5) Physical Therapist – my sissy

And now, we can make a productive hospital!  Yey! :)

Together again

Got to meet him at Atrium at McDonalds.  Hehe.  We were so ‘naughty’ that time.  Hahaha!  And was raining, too.  Ok lang sana kung half day lang kami, but ang kj naman ng instructor naming.  Eh yun, may class but it wasn’t worth it because we don’t have any specimen to check on.  Nice one, classmates. :)

Sucker Punch babes 

Got to watch Sucker Punch!   It was a very awesome movie.  Haha!  Me, like! :)

The story was all about a girl who was left by her deceased mom, and her step dad was so disappointed because their deceased mom left them (ang magkapatid) her last will and testament.  On that very night, the step dad went to the room of the bida’s younger sister, I think he raped her or something and eventually killed her.  Out of anxiety, the bida shot her step dad because he killed her younger sister.  After that, the bida was thrown to an orphanage and began her adventures in there ---IMAGINATION. :)

My hatest character: Blondie the Traitor

I love her accent!  Madam Gorski


They were so cool in here.  Kyaaa!

Say “hi” to my super crush: Amber. :)

From L-R:  Baby Doll, Amber, Blondie, Rocket, and Sweet Pea. :)

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