Saturday, August 6, 2011

Karambola weekend


Pink hanky

I just  the smell of him in his handkerchief. J

He gave it to me last 15/07/11. 

Haven’t studied!!!!!  Huhuhuhu!

Oh gawd.  My Saturday wasn’t a productive one this time.  I only studied half of Clin Mic LEC!  Waaah!  && Prelim Examinations are fast approaching, and yet I haven’t  touched any of my notes!  Daaang!  Blame laziness!  Jeez. L

Kagahod sa imo bala!!!!!!

Oh, well.  As always, mother is such a sound system.  I couldn’t concentrate on studying my Clin Mic LEC because she was tooooo loud.  Fcuk!

SUNDAY, JULY 17, 2011

Karambola Day

Long, long day, Sunday.  I’ve got to study the following:
Ø                               AM
·         Clinical Chemistry - /
·         MT Laws and Bioethics – nadaah
Ø                               PM
·         Bacteriology – nadaah
·         Clinical Microscopy LAB - /
·         Clinical Microscopy LEC – nadaah
·         Theology – nadaah
·         Cytogenetics – nadaah

So freaky many.  I only got to study three out of nine subjects.  L

Hello, avocado! 

I got hungry in my PM session while studying the MT Laws and Bioethics, and I found an avocado inside the refrigerator.  Hahaha!  Yummy! J

Muddy green avocado (alphine & some wash sugar). 

Sala2 afternoon

Since I haven’t studied my MT Laws and Bioethics that aftie, I gone all berserk.  Hahaha!  SSW, that is.  (Sala-Sala Warrior). XD


Since I was already exhausted by studying, I’ve got to have some load from a classmate of my sissy, and registered myself to UALL25.  Unlimited texts to all networks.  Take note: UNLIMITED TEXTS TO ALL NETWORKS.  With free 1 hour mobile internet.  Weee! J  Heaven.  Hahaha!  So expensive nga lang, in one day only.  Tsk.


I really hate comparison in this world.  One differs from the other, right?  Eh, ‘di sana nagging progenie (clone) na lang ang lahat ng mga tao para hindi na sila pagcocompare.  Gawd.  What was she thinking?  Asar!  Itulog ko nga lang ‘to!