Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Ups and downs, thicks and thins

MONDAY, JULY 18, 2011

What a wakeup call!

Mabibingi na talaga ako sa sound system namin!  Ay promise.  Argh!

Quiz hell!

The damn quiz in Clinical Microscopy LAB was hell.  Mas hirap pa cguro sa board exams.  Hahahahaha!  Oh gawd.  It was a seventy (70) item quiz.  Shet.  Di ko ‘yun kinaya ah.

Long break!

Our instructor in Clinical Chemistry LEC texted one of our classmates saying that she wasn’t feeling well and that she’ll be absent.  Yay!  Long, long break! J

Bacteria, here I come!  Ay!  May protozoa++ pa!

Whoah!  I finally found my bacteria.  Hahaha!  With a protozoa pa!  Yuck!  It really gross.  Blek!  As my classmates saw it, they shrieked, especially Andre.  Hahahahaha!  Tawa talaga kami sa reaction niya.  HAHAHAHAHA!  Check! J

Early dismissal!  Nyaha!

No class in Histology LAB!  Nyahahaha!  So, we just viewed our requested slides and took their pictures via the phone of Mae-vel, since my phone is halfway dead.  Hahaha!  1730 came, and I went out! J

Kilig moments.  Lalala.

We went home together.  Events that came after will be ours na lang.  Nyehehehehe. 

 Yeah right.  Haven’t studied a bit.  HAHA.

Oh gawd!  I haven’t studied Bacteriology and MT Laws and Bioethics!  Waaah!  I only did my blogging!  Patay! L

TUESDAY, JULY 19, 2011

Next week will be Calvary Week

Hell yeah!  Argh!  Prelim exams were extended!  So good, so bad.  Ugh!  Extended no unli’s eh nu?  Haay!  Miss ko na siya! :) 

Busy night

Actually, not that very busy.  Got to advance study on Clinical Chemistry LEC, study our report, study Cytogenetics, and transfer notes to my Clinical Microscopy LEC notebook.  I guess, the busy part will be the studying of our report. :)


Reporting day

Oh gawd!  We’ve got to extend until 1 with no lunch!  Waaaah! L  Reporting in Clin Chem starts.  Phew!  Goodluck to us.  Aja, girls!  Hahahahaha!

Survived the kulbaness

OMG!  Can’t believe that we actually survived the terror questions of our instructor.  We were like a melting ice in front when she questioned us.  And I was like. @_@  Hahahahaha!

Not my day

When we received our quiz papers from our instructor in Cytogenetics, I was like T_____T.  Low, low, super low score!  Huhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhu!  I’ll make bawi in the exam!  Aja me!  Go!  And we had our pop quiz.  At hindi ako nakapag study.  Waaaah!!!!! L


Start of Prelims

Theology was our first exam for the Prelims.  Hahahaha!  I just so love the test.  I’ll sure make bawi from the low score that I gave from our latest quiz.  Haahahaha!

Are they really friends for real or just for benefits?

Friends for real?  Really?  Hahaha!  I doubt that.  They made a U-TURN finally.  They were just friends for benefits.   Nice if they want something from you.  COOL.

Ooh.  Cats out of the bag.

Someone told me that there were rumors about this and that person.  The higher years were so fed up with the other person.  So aggressive.  And for the other one, I dunno exactly what the reason was.  That’s what they got if they’re being plastics.  Jeez.

I miss him soo much!

I miss his presence.  I miss his voice.  I miss his touch.  I miss his hug.  I miss his smell.  I miss his looks when he looks at me.  I miss his text messages.  I miss his sweet words.  I miss everything about him.  I miss HENRYL

FRIDAY, JULY 22, 2011

Urgent meeting

Oh gosh.  This was the doomsday!  When I had arrived school, everyone was so serious and I could see fear in their eyes.  Our first subject pa naman was one of those who were scolded by the pakana.  Oh gosh.  It was all about the Esbach tubes that weren’t returned on time yesterday.  One of my classmates was scolded in front of the other section horribly.  If I were him/her, I would’ve melted.  Gawd.  That was such an insane act.  And one staff at the laboratory held her grudges for us.  Oh well, that’s okay.  That’s life, and life should move on whatever happens.  Good luck to us! :)


As we were having our class in Laboratory Management, the audi was so loud.  I think there was an event, and we don’t know at first.  Moments later, we smelled something…HOTDOG!  Hahaha!  Our instructor smelled it too, and we proceeded outside (at the audi) to buy some.  Yummy!  It was PRISAAP pala.  Hehe.  Now, we know.  Ang daming mga gamit to be bought oh.  Hehe.

Throat swab!

This is it!  Hahaha!  I did the throat swab thing two times.  LOL!  My partner was a sensitive one, so I had a hard time getting some sample from her pharyngeal throat.  Tsk.  My partner was supposed to do it no sweat because I’m no sensitive one.  Hahaha!  The first attempt was not correct since she only planted a dot from my throat, and at the second attempt, I could feel that she’s swabbing my neck.  That yucky feeling.  YUCK!

Cytogenetics, DOWN!

Oh my.  As the clock is ticking to 1600, my heart starts beating so fast.  Cytogenetics, here we come.  Oh my.  I’m not prepared as our top 1 is.  Hmp!  As we have arrived the Alumni Building, we headed straight to the 4th floor, and find our seats as what doc had settled outside the room.  Since I’m a B, I was seated in front.  Hahaha!  Near the window!  Love it! J  Here it comes.  Good luck to all of us!  Aja! :D

I really fcking hate it when someone dukols me

I was just sitting at the sofa staring and typing at my laptop when someone dukoled me.  What the hell.  Even if it was just a joke, it’s nasty.  And I fcking hate it.  Jeez.  My poor brain cells.  Argh!  Bye, neurons. L