Sunday, July 10, 2011

Stressed weekends (supposed to be a relaxed one, jeez)

FRIDAY, JULY 01, 2011

S-I-B-E-R-I-A-N Husky is LOVE

As I went to school, I saw a cute Siberian Husky walking with its master along the sidewalk of West Visayas State University.  As I saw it, I was in awe.  It was so soooo cute!!!!  Waaah!  I wanna have one!!!! J  In the mere future ‘cause I’m kinda busy this year.  Hehehe. ♥

My dream doggie ♥

PMT Freshmen Orientation and Grand Rally Day

At around 0800, we had our mass at the chapel.  Then, we proceeded to the UH Park to have our attendance check, and went to the Auditorium.  At around 1000, the program finally started (while eating our siopao snack with coke sakto) with some invocation of some professors/teachers.  The introduction of freshmen to us, some dance numbers, organization churva, and another dance number.  We went out and proceeded to SM City as Sir Matt introduced his organization.  As we ate at Mang Inasal, Lowela texted that our adviser was dancing in hataw on stage.  Waaaaah!!!!  NOOOOOOO!  And, we roamed around SM and went back to school after a little while. 

Grand Rally came up next.  We were asleep as they introduced all the running candidates for the three parties.  So sleepy.  Tsss.  We praised so hard as the program ended.  Yey!  Got to see my ♥. And something happened in the jeepney.  Hahahaha!  Amon2 lng na ah.  Yeee! ♥


Alumni Homecoming

Woke up early in the morning to go to school for the Alumni Homecoming to be held at the gym.  We had mass at first, then the motorcade, then the boring film showing, and then the program proper.  We welcomed the alumni with all smiles and laughters.  Aww.  It was so good to hear them all shouting and laughing as if they were still young.  Hahaha!  After we welcomed them, they photoshoot in front of the stage and we took our lunch.  Lunch was….okay?  Hahaha!  I wasn’t even satisfied. >.<  After lunch, they started with the real program proper.  So good and so funny intermission numbers.  HAHA!  I like it well when our adviser rocked the stage once again!  Wahoooo! J  At 1415, the program ended and I went home. J


My sissy and I went in the clinic of my physician, and was so lucky to know that there are only four vaccines left!  (2 to each of us)  Yay! J  After the vaccination, our physician told us to have our booster next year. J

SBARRO! Let’s go vegetarian!

After we took our vaccination, we proceeded to SM City to buy some snacks (and eventually just ate there).  I ordered the vegetarian pizza because it looks so yummy.  Mmmmm! ♥


Long, long night

Histo lec, please be kind to me. T__T  Got so many things to do.  Write, write and draw.  Jeez.  Tsk2.  >.<

SUNDAY, JUNE 03, 2011

Two words

FCUK HER.  Jeez.  She really is loud.  I really, really hate it when she speaks up about my blog.  I don’t have anyone to talk to in this house.  She won’t even listen to me.  Kung ano gna obra ko lng ang gna butang ko d aw?  Kay hindi man.  It’s my reservoir of anger, sadness, happiness, feelings that I can’t express in words.  Jeez.  Haaay.  Lain nag d man ang mga generation sng una ah.  Tsk2.