Friday, July 15, 2011


MONDAY, JULY 04, 2011

Suffering from sleep deprivation

I was not in myself when I woke up.  I tend to do things that was so not me.  Hahaha!  I would bang myself on the chair ahead of me, and stuffs like that.  Hahaha!  Really that sleepy.  Blame HISTOLOGY LEC!  Jeez. >.<

Nice morning to start with

We got to finish our experiment in our Clinical Microscopy LAB subject.  Hahaha!  Piece of cake.  And, I’m still suffering from that.  LOL!  Individual ang maghimo sng Albumin Test, but I took it as a group kay parehos lng ang specimen nga gnkwaan ni Yum2.  Hahahaha!  Huo gd, Tia!  Lipong much gd ah.  Hahahaha! 

Really felt good after knowing that we won’t be having a quiz in Clinical Chemistry LEC.  Wahooo!!!  But, so disappointed ‘cause I studied it pa naman.  Hahahaha!  Good2 aga! J

Mangga wrinkles

As we (Val, King, and I) were working in the library on something.  Val and I decided to go out to buy green mangoes.  Hahaha!  I asked her to buy one for me because I will make pa print pa.  After I did my thing, I proceeded to the library since I didn’t see her na at the 4th of July.  Hahaha!  As I entered the lib, I saw her just sat down.  The mangga costs PHP15.00 pero marami na.  Hahaha!  Yay!  After some minutes, we decided to make tambay at the UH Park and eat up our mangoes.  Hahaha!  I love the first mango that I ate ‘cause it’s not that maasim.  But when I gobble up the other two, I made a wrinkled face and they (King and Val) even laughed at me when I made a face to Lieca answering her question and answering ‘Rheostat control knob’ with a matching mukhasim that no one can ever imagine.  Hahahaha!  D ako ma stre-stress sa studies ko but will be stressed sa mangga na kinain ko.  Super asim to the max!  Hahaha!  And so good to know that I’m starting to L-O-V-E Indian mangoes.  Yummy! ♥

Sabi ko nga eh, sala2 experiment in Histo Lab

Hambalan gid mo!  There will be no time having an experiment with our instructor na hindi kami mag sala2.  Hahaha!  Since first year pa na, when we were having our Botany class.  Gawd.  Total stress gid ya.  Good thing she signed two of my drawings in Exercise 3 just before 1830.  Hahaha!  Bad thing was, I got to go home late because of the damn dirty slides.  Jeez.  And was raining cats and dogs.  I hate it when it rains and I’m soaking wet.  Haaaay!

TUESDAY, JULY 05, 2011

Thank GOD!

I went to school as early as I can.  I really have the feeling that we’ll be having a quiz at Bacteriology LEC.  But as our instructor came in, she continued discussing our lesson.  Hahaha!  Is this a myth or what?  Me getting to school early + our instructor’s lateness = NO QUIZ; me getting to school late + our instructor’s earliness = MAY QUIZ.  Ay suus!!!  ‘Wag naman ganya oh.  Tssssk.

What’s your problem?  YOU, MA’AM!

Theology came up next, and I wasn’t in the mood to listen to her.  Instead, I make myself pa unli and texted my ♥ of my life.  Ayeee!  Hahaha!  And, after discussion, she noticed that we weren’t listening to her; she announced that she’ll be giving a quiz on Thursday.  We reacted silently, and she sugponized, “I suppose that you’re ready to take the quiz the next meeting kay wala kamo gpamati.  What’s your problem with that?”  Hahaha!  Nami sabton nga “Kaw ma’am!  Ay ka leche gd tuod ah.  Tsk2.

Extra batchoy, but not that satisfied

I ordered an extra batchoy.  And after finishing the whole inside of the bowl, I wasn’t still satisfied.  Tsk2.  I should’ve have stayed at school and have a satisfying lunch.  Barato pa.  Tsk2.  And was also raining.  Hahaha!  Running in high heels.  Astig! O_o

Banging head

In Histology LEC, I was really that sleepy and I caught myself banging my head on the air.  Hahaha!  Then, I heard our instructor saying things that she pities someone who is banging his/her head and tries to open his/her eyes just to listen.  Hahaha!  And she added something up that we could sleep whenever we want basta ma excel lang in class.  Hala!  Ako gid to gna pabati batian niya mu!  Hahahaha!  Sa front row pa naman ako nakapungko.  Kadlaw ko ah!  Hahahaha!  Good thing that she didn’t give us a quiz about tissues.  Phew! >.<


I can’t take the stress anymore

This very night is my turn in washing the dishes.  Tsk2.  As I saw the piling of the mountainous dishes, I cried.  Hahaha!  I really can’t carry the stress anymore.  And I’ve got to sleep late again, but did not.  Eventually, I slept at Henry.  Ahay.  I just so love him to death. ♥


Today, I don’t feel like doing anything

Just this morning, we have a rainy lab in Clinical Chemistry LAB.  Just felt good because we won’t be having an activity because the lab manual isn’t out yet.  Instead, we studied for our next class, which was Clinical Chemistry LEC.  Just at the moment the clock striked 0810, our instructor told us to have breakfast (for those who didn’t have one).  Awww.  Kanami lng sa iya ah.  D lng namon siya pag abusohon ah.  Budlay na.  And just before that, something funny happened.  Hahaha!  Kyle and one of his classmates went inside the laboratory, and we all went shouting because Mae-vel has a crush on him.  Hahahah!  When he finally went out, she stood up and swayed her hair back and forth.  Wow!  Ang haba ng buhok ni ate.  Hahahaha!  Our instructor was really laughing to death, and she was so red!  Hahaha!  At about 0820, Lowela and I went out to take our snacks.  Since it’s cold, we decided to eat Lomi.  Yum-yummy!  Hahaha! 

The quiz in Clinical Chemistry LEC wasn’t that bad.  Hahaha!  But I find it bad when our instructor discussed to us the calculations in the laboratory, which I can’t catch up and that I seemed to forget already.  Hahaha!  Molarity, molality and normality.  She’ll be giving us a seatwork on Monday.  Phew.

Just after class, I went to Atrium to buy on my sticky notes.  Then, I brought some fries at McDonalds and ate it up as I am riding my way home.  Yummy.  Hahaha!  As I arrived home, my schedule went in bias.  I don’t feel like making my laundry because I’m so tired.  Hayst.  Sleep.  Sleep.  And, sleep. J

O!  Shocking discovery!

My sissy talked to me about his ex when he was in a study tour in China last summer.  She just learned something from her friend (who also participated in their study tour) that her ex had a mutual relationship with his crush that lives in Manila and obviously studied in a Chinese school, too.  She also felt bad when she knew that her ex gave that girl a huge teddy bear.  Oh gawd!  It’s like he’s cheating on her sang sila pa!  Jeez.  And so I called my honey, and discussed that matter with him and my sissy begged him just to ask him if it was true.  Tsk2. 

40 Gram Bacteria!

This night was a busy night for me.  I’ve got to study lots of notes, and that includes the memorization of 20 Gram Negative Bacteria and 20 Gram Positive Bacteria.  So glad that I’ve got to memorized lotsa of them. J

Dog whisperer

As my phone alarmed at 2200, I changed the channel to 16 because I’m gonna watch my favorite show in the National Geographic Channel.  Hahaha!  So, so glad that I’ve got to see my first love.  Hahahahaha!  A Siberian Husky. ♥  Cesar Milan is such a gifted Psychologist.  I really, really adore him.  As in WHOAH!  He got to tame lotsa dogs!  Can you ever imagine that?  Soo cool! J

I miss him to death

I cried myself to sleep because I’m missing him soo much na. >.<


Excited much?!

I really went to school so early, and I’ve got a feeling that our instructor in Bacteriology LEC won’t give us a quiz.  Hahahah!  And guess what?  I was the only one to memorize the 40 Gram Bacteria.  Hahaha!  LOL!  And she was also late.  Upon entering our room, she continued discussing our past topics.  Nyahaahah!!!  Yeah! :D

Room war

Theology was next.  We didn’t even bother to study.  Hahaha!  ‘Cause we know that she won’t be giving us a quiz, and our instincts were right!  Yeah!  She’ll be attending the departmental mass of their college, and she left us with some works to do.  Hay, hay, hay!  Tsk2. 

While we were doing our seatwork in pairs, a room war has happened.  It was between one of my friends and one of my classmates.  I just can’t understand what they were arguing about but I find it so nonsense.  If my friend could have had left him all alone, things would have been better and a lot quiter.  Jeez.  Really.  He was just a waste of energy.  Not even an attention.  Tsk2.

Sim failure?  ‘Wag naman

Just after our filming in Med Tech Laws and Bioethics, I couldn’t register myself to TRIO15.  Oh gawd.  It said that I was already expired and yet registered?  Oh come on.  Not just at that time.  We were in cold war (him and I).  He had waited for almost an hour for me at SM, and yet I didn’t know what time my scene will be finished.  Tsk2.  Jeez. 

At around 1230, I finally arrived at SM and he was waiting for me in front of KFC with a sour face.  Hala!  Ara na naman, gakurog tuhod ko.  Hahaha!  Tsk2.  We proceeded to Jollibee to eat our super late lunch.  Walang kiboay kami when we were eating.  Hahaha!  Gutom?  Or akig?  LOL!  After eating, we stayed a little longer and talked and laughed.  Then, we went out and went to the Globe shop.  I find it amazing in there!  Hahaha!  Real phones in the display!  Hahaha!  Pro blackberry tanan.  D ko feel.  Hahaha!

When I arrived home, I was frustrated to know that I can’t still register myself to TRIO15.  Jeez.  Kung bwas nga hindi pa ni mag okay, I’m gonna buy a smart sim.  Tsk2.

FRIDAY, JULY 08, 2011

Dyutayan na lang gid!

OMG!  As I went down the jeepney and crossed the busy street, I was so like lost when a taxi overtook a jeepney and nearly swept me to death.  Halaaaa!  D ko pa gusto mapatay!  Diyos ko!  Thank you dear God gid ya!  Salamat!  Phew! >.<

Sharing is loving

We’ve got a hard quiz in our Laboratory Management subject.  I really haven’t thought of the kind of test that will be given to us.  That’s not fair!  I thought it was a matching type of test.  Jeez!  Since our proctor was roaming around, na abot kami and did the bad thing.  Wala gd ya namon na expect mu.  T hambal ko sa ulo ko, kis a man lng ni ah.  Gawd.  But it was still a sin that I or we had committed.  Tsk.  Sorry gid, Lord. >.<  I cheated. T__T


I haven’t read my Cytogenetics notes well.  I was so frustrated to see that my paper was so blank.  Hadn’t answered majority of the questions.  Hahaha!  Gosh!  And we have a long exam next Friday.  Halaaaa! >.<  So HELP ME, GOD. T__T

What an adorable day to end with

I was so frustrated at first when I saw him kay nag reklamo siya.  Baw!  NA INIT GID KO NA NGA GNA OBRA YA TUOD PRO GA REKLAMO BLA AW.  AY ABAW!  DW MA GWA MAN KO SA PANIT KO NGA TNI WAY YA NA LNG GIN OBRA KNG GA REKLAMO MAN LANG SIYA PARA WALA T GAMO.  Ay maan na lng kay manenoy ah.  So I didn’t even bother to talk to him until we had pass through Robinsons.  T nag mayo naman mood ko ah.  We didn’t care if may mga tawo man sa palibot namon when we rid that jeepney going home.  Haha!  We were so kilig and laughed so many times.  Hahaha!  Ay ahay.  Cute2 gid ya. ♥

Sound system

Ari naman ta!  Was it our fault to be so sleepy?  Hambalan nga bwas ko lng gni labhan ang kutob nga mga lalabhan ko.  Ay naku!  Tulog ta na lng ni ah!