Friday, July 8, 2011

Stress and Bittersweet Days

TUESDAY, JUNE 28, 2011

Tardy day

Had a very harsh day.  I was sleepy all the time.  Tsk.  First thing in the morning was already a surprise quiz on Bacteriology (LEC).  Just the people behind its history.  Jeez.  I really haven’t read on THEM.  Tssss.  After the surprise quiz, we discussed on the answers.  Their contributions to the field and some scientists who are with the Biogenesis Theory.  Louis Pasteur, Robert Koch, Anton van Leeuwenhoek, Ferdinand Cohn, Schleiden and Schwann, and the others which I forgot.  Haha!

Theology came up next, and I just slept.  It was really, really boring.  Then, Med Tech Laws and Bioethics came up next.  Ma’am was really discussing fast and we’ll be having our quiz next Tuesday.  Tsk2.  Wait.  ALL OF THEM?!  Gawd!  But, I don’t mind ‘cause our instructor’s good in giving us our quiz.  Easy.
LUNCH TIME!  Yay!  We were really hungry.  Woot2!  Hahaha!  So, we went to Mang Inasal (just across our school), and ate our super yummy lunch. J  Also, so glad that Poi treated us to a super yummy ice cream.  Yey! ♥

Histology (LEC) came up next.  We were really (shocked?) that she gave us a quiz based on our assignment.  We were so disappointed that our assignment notebook was just returned to us this day which was supposed to be returned the last week.  Ggrrr.  I really didn’t studied that much. L  I promised (?) myself that to study during weekends in Histology (LEC).

We have a two-hours break just before our Clinical Microscopy subject.  So, we spent our time talking nonsense things at the Admin Building (on the benches), and talked and laughed and ate Lomi. ♥  When our watches struck 1550, we proceeded to Aguirre 31, and waited for our instructor in there.  She was late (as usual), and was glad that she won’t be giving us quiz.  Yay! ♥  And we discussed on Chapters 2 and 3 which we’ll be having our quiz the next Tuesday. J  Dismissal time, and I proceeded to Atrium to buy our detergent for the laboratory.  Home sweet home. J

I get so kilig everytime I peek at his picture

Just this very evening, I got nothing left to do, and I searched on pictures of him way back in high school.  And WHOAH!  Every time I look at them, I get spills all over my spines (KILIG).  Hahaha! ♥  And I was even shocked that we have a picture sitting next to each other.  Hahahaha! J

Sang pag camp. J

During Palaro. J



First thing in the morning, and we have our VERY SURPRISE QUIZ in Clinical Chemistry (LAB).  Hahaha!  And the sad thing was, the quiz that our instructor gave us was the notes that I haven’t finished on copying because of the practical exam in pipetting. L  So low on the first quiz. L  I’ll make bawi on the next. L  And, our instructor told us that she’ll give us a quiz in lecture class, so we studied a bit.  After our traumatized quiz, we just did nothing but to do anything that we want while my other classmates were sweating for the practical exam. J

Clinical Chemistry (LEC) came up next.  As we went in the room, our instructor told us to prepare a ½ crosswise for the exciting quiz.  And as she wrote the questions on the white board, we were in AWE.  Really.  It became bogus to us. L  After our quiz, we discussed about the proper techniques on venipuncture, arterial puncture and skin puncture.  It was so loooong. L  And I guess that we’ll be having a quiz the next meeting. L

Sleepy afternoon

After our class, we proceeded to Mang Inasal to eat our lunch.  We can’t just go home because we have a scheduled forum at the Auditorium with Sir Torrento.  So so glad that even some of my friends and I hadn’t ordered the Pabusog Meal, we got to receive our unli rice.  Wee!  Special thanks to manong! J  Then, we went back to school and stayed at the UH Park while waiting for some people to go up to the Audi, and talked so many things, even laughed a bit.  Several minutes after, we went up, find seats and I proceeded home to rest since I don’t have any laundry to be done.  Yay! J

As I went home, I played with my laptop a bit, texted him about the far away thing and slept at him.  I was just awakened by the pouring rain and the voice of my mother calling for me just outside our gate.  I was in panic because her laundry got wet which was the curtains pa naman.  Tsk.  I got scolded and was so weak for not doing my responsibility whenever the sky gets dark. L


Hell yeah.  I do miss him so much. >.<  And I even miss him more as we talked about something that will happen in the mere future. L


Amazing discovery
We were really so amazed when we knew that gulaman was made out of agar.  Hahaha!  So cool.  And the gelatin thing is found to be in the bulalo or anything nilaga, and that it was not fat.  Hahaha!  Cool. J  Also that, we are not safe even if we already have our chicken pox ‘cause there will still be another pox when we get older, the small pox.  Our instructor in Bacteriology (LEC) also said that the Herpes virus is found along our spinal column.  And, every time we’re stressed out, the virus will come out and eventually will attack us.  Wooot!  Hahahaha! AND!  Did you know that too much of everything (even laughing!) is STRESS?  Hahahaha!

Next week is HELL WEEK

MONDAY:  damakish experiment in Clinical Microscopy, quiz in Clinical Chemistry (LEC), quiz in Bacteriology (LAB), rayuma activity in Bacteriology (LAB), palak2 experiment in Histology (LAB)
TUESDAY:  long quiz in Bacteriology (LEC), quiz in Med Tech Laws and Bioethics, quiz in Histology (LEC), quiz in Clinical Microscopy (LEC)
WEDNESDAY:  pending
THURSDAY:  quiz in Med Tech Laws and Bioethics
FRIDAY:  quiz in Laboratory Management, long quiz in Cytogenetics

A very productive afternoon

After our class in Med Tech Laws and Bioethics, I proceeded home to take my lunch there, and rest.  After I rested for an hour, I did my laundry and played angry birds in my laptop.  I played and played. J


I was planning this evening to finish my activity in Histology (LAB), and was so frustrated that it was cancelled and have to move it tomorrow.  HAHAHAHA!  Blame Angry Birds!  Arrrrrr! >.<