Sunday, July 3, 2011



Carelessness and sleepy as well

As I took a bath this very morning, I was so excited to try on my new conditioner that I bought just yesterday.  As I put it on my head, I was really shocked to feel that it had bubbles.  Noooo!  I bought the shampoo itself!!!!  I guess that I was really that sleepy yesterday when I bought it at Atrium.  Jeez!  What a waste of money. >.<  Got to buy a real conditioner this day.  Tsk.

My platform had flooded

Today is such a rainy day.  As I just went down the jeepney that I had been riding, the pouring rain greeted my shoes.  I went through a struggle as I entered the main gate of our school to our classroom.  We don’t have class in the first period because Dean wasn’t around.  As I entered our room, my shoes were soaking really wet.  Tsk2. I really had the hard time letting it dry.  And it was so cold that my feet were shaking. >.<


I just don’t know where did this song that keeps ringing in my head came from.  Seriously.  My mind had been singing on its own since yesterday.  Hahaha!  I even group messaged it twice this day.  Jeez.  Really.  The song goes this way:

Dahil Mahal Kita

Ano man ang sabihin nila
Ika’y patuloy kong mamahalin
Maging sino ka man
Di na magbabago ang pag-ibig ko
Dahil minamahal kita
Walang makakapigil sa ‘king damdamin.
Upang ikaw ay ibigin ko ng lubos
Sasambahin lagi
Dahil mahal kita lahat ng bagay ay aking matatangap

At dahil mahal kita handa akong magparaya
Kahit katumbas nito’y kasawian
Dahil mahal kita sa ‘yo lamang liligaya
At di na muling iibig pa, haa!

Mere coincidence?

After our Med Tech Laws and Bioethics class, I went to the rest room to take urinate.  Good thing that I went back to our classroom and found Ming and Rome.  I asked them about tomorrow’s mass.  And Ming has been saying that we’ll only be half day tomorrow, he can sense it.  Hahaha!  And they asked me if the umbrella alone in the room was mine.  Waaah!  Thanks to them.  Hahahaha!  I could have been soaking wet in going home this day.  Phew!

Wet and invincible

I was just to ride the Tagbak Jaro Liko jeepney when the rain poured again.  Tsk2.  What a bad timing to buy the laboratory gown of my sister (or mine?) at Dona Rose.  Despite of the pouring rain, I forced myself to go down on that jeepney and buy the laboratory gown.  As I went down, I was soaked under the rain that instantly.  I went in Dona Rose and bought the lab gown.  Just after I bought it, the pouring rain had stopped.  Hahaha!  Funny.  The rain was playing games with me.  Very good!  I rid the CPU jeepney to CSJ, paid the driver twenty pesos and just got my change when it crossed Jabee.  Stupid damn driver.  Jeez.

All alone and tired

I finally had arrived home, and even saw my sis at the front door.  Hahaha!  Today, I’ve got lotsa things to do: have to do my laundry (uniform), to iron our clothes (which I hadn’t accomplished due to my weariness), and washed the dishes.  Hahaha!  I’ve got to do my assignments in advance for the next week since I’ll be going out on Saturday (our 11 months. YAY!) J

FRIDAY, JUNE 24, 2011


Red Mass at 0800 at our gym.  It was so full of students, and our seats were transferred to the top (previously the nursing’s proper place) since we outnumbered them.  Hahaha!  Due to the lack of seats, we proceeded downstairs to find some seats.  We were seated at the black chairs.  Hahaha!  After the red mass, we stayed in the gym for the general orientation.  First presentation was the video clip that the student council had made.  Second was the acting of the Theater Arts on the rules and regulations of the school.  Then, the Kawilihan Dance Troop performed, and the rest.  Hahaha!  After the orientation, we cheered for NO CLASS, and ALAS! we really have no class after all!!!!!  WAHOOOO!!!!! :D

Shocked to the nth power

My ♥ and I ate lunch together at McDonalds at SM City, since I missed eating fries.  Hahaha!  After that, we went to Unisilver to buy a necklace for ‘my cousin’.  Hahaha!  I asked him to pick a more cheaper one, but we found none.  Disappointed, I changed my mind into buying a bracelet for him.  Jeez.  After we roamed around, we decided to go separately.  He was holding the paper bag as I hurriedly went inside the jeepney.  Hahaha!  He was so cute with his expression.  Hahaha!  He even walked towards the other jeepney in slow motion.  He was really that shocked.  Hahaha!  Awwww. J


I promised myself to finish all what I destined to do this night.  I was just so disappointed that I haven’t done anything that I had appointed myself to, and to think that I’ve got to go somewhere else tomorrow.  Hehe.  Tsk2.

Oh, and also it was my third strike for leaving him on air (I obviously slept at him).  Hehe.


11 months and onwards

He was supposed to fetch me at around 10, but a disaster happened and he came around 1030.  So, we proceeded to the bowling center (near Atrium) and played there.  I let him play first because I was so shy to throw the ball and let a good strike.  Haha!  After he finished playing, his score wasn’t that bad.  So, I played next and even scored much higher than him.  Hehe.  On the second game, he scored higher than I.  LOL.  We were sweaty, rest for awhile before setting off to SM City. J

After several minutes of resting, we paid our expenses and was shocked (I forgot about the price details and all) for it reached an amount of PHP84.00.  Hahaha!  I really felt guilty that time.  Tsk.  Then, we walked to PNB and rid the jeepney to SM City.  We arrived at around 1145, went to Goldilocks to eat lunch (jending, siya lng ang nagkaon).  Haha! J  After that, we went upstairs to go look for a nice movie to watch to.  I first picked Mr. Poppin’s Penguins, but when I saw the picture of the movie “Insidious”, I changed my mind.  Good thing that it was free sitting.  Yay! :D  After we bought the ticket, we went inside the movie house and watched the horror film. J

After watching the film, we went on our separate ways just for a while to buy the things that we needed.  I got mixed up, ‘cause I was in a hurry.  Jeez.  Hate the fact that we’ve got a visitor back at home.  Tsk.  After a while, we met at Chowking and waited for my take out order. J  And we went home.  Hehe.
This day was full of laughter and love. ♥  Just a month, and we’re having our first anniversary. J

SUNDAY, JUNE 26, 2011

Daang!  So many things to be DONE

Darn me for not making my Saturday night that productive.  I should have already be finished with my Bacteriology (LEC) assignment/notes.  But unfortunately, something came up on my mind and decided to just finish it on this day.  Gawd.  In the morning, I’ve got to ‘read’ my Clinical Microscopy book Chapter 1 while taking up my breakfast.  So many things to read on, and it’s just all about safety precautions inside the laboratory which had gotten me to boredsome in reading it.  After that, I’ve got to vacuum the car’s floor and the carpets as well, and finished almost 2 hours.  My body was so tired that it can’t carry my soul to our living room.  I slept for an hour, took a bath, and ate my super late lunch.  Fortunately, I finished 3/4s of my desired things to be done.  Yay! J

MONDAY, JUNE 27, 2011

I am awake, but I had been through a nightmare

One hell of a morning that I’ve been through.  The jeepney that I was riding had a reckless driver on the wheels.  Jeez.  He drives the jeepney as if he got no passengers behind him.  And there was this another jeepney who just got out of the loading/unloading zone, and this jeepney that I was riding just paced itself to full speed without knowing that he will nearly bump this other vehicle.  Phew!  That was so scary.  I don’t wanna die that, and I’m too young to die. >.<

You’re the straw to my urine

HAHA!  Funny title.  LOL.  We went through our own urine examination.  Let’s do the damakish thing.  Haha!  Each one of us has to bring his/her own urine (50-60 mL).  So, we went through the examination.  First was the macroscopic appearance of our urine: color, transparency, and odor.  Then, the specific gravity by using the urinometer and then the refractometer.  It really was fun doing those if and only if the equipments that we have used were of unlimited stocks. J

Haven’t studied and yey!  NO CLASS IN CLIN CHEM!

My heart went LUB DUB when I heard from section B that our instructor didn’t come to their period.  I really hadn’t studied that much yesterday because I was too exhausted to absorb all that I read and studied.  And, when our period came, our instructor texted one of my classmates saying that she will be absent and that she will schedule a make-up class anytime of the week or next week.  Haha!  Thank God! J

As we heard the news, we proceeded to the side gate and planned on riding the Jaro Liko jeepney to Mcdo (West version).  Just before we decided on to take a cab, an accident had happened.  Three students were crossing the street, just as the jeepney bumped on a pedicab.  Good thing was the students weren’t hurt.  And, it was all their fault anyway.  They crossed the road but not in the pedestrian lane.  Tsk2.  We picked on the taxi, rid in it and was so surprised that the driver speaks the other way around.  Hahaha!  We just laughed all the way to McDonalds.  Haha!

We arrived in there, ordered our food, and went to Florence’s house. J  We ate our ordered food, watched Showtime, surfed the net, and hadn’t studied on Bacteriology (LAB).  Hahaha! J

Freaking microscope

Another yay for having no quiz on Bacteriology (LAB). J  Instead, our instructor will give it on Monday, since we don’t have class again on Friday.  Yay! J  He discussed on the different sizes, shapes and arrangements of the bacteria that we’ll be dealing today.  After the discussion, we proceeded to our third experiment (take home activity ang experiments one and two), and was so frustrated that I only viewed two out of 12 specimens that we have requested on the previous days.  The second most frustrating part was we were all late for our psychological testing at the conference room.  Tsk2.

Tears are for cleansing

Just this very evening, I cried due to: long notes that I still have to search on to, many dishes to wash to.  By and by, my body can’t carry all the pressures of life.  Just expecting the unexpected. J