Sunday, July 31, 2011

Bittersweet week

MONDAY, JULY 11, 2011


I really woke up soo late!  Clinical Microscopy LAB pa nman ‘yung first subject ko.  Gawd!  It was already past 7 when I looked at my watch, and I’m still just passing by the Hall of Justice and was trapped in a traffic jam.  Good gracious!  I was in a panic mode.  As the jeepney unloads the passengers in front of our school, I hurriedly crossed the street, and walked in our gate and headed myself to our laboratory.  As I went in to our laboratory, I was so relieved that our instructor was just roaming around and doing nothing, same as my classmates as well.  Yay!  Lucky, lucky day! J

The Wallpaper

Hehehe.  This is my current wallpaper and my profile picture (in my laptop, facebook, and in tumblr) as well. 

Mangga attack

Nang Val and I ate at the cafeteria (in front of Francos), and ate at Floyds (1pc BBQ Meal).  Hahaha!  As what she had promised me, she made libre me a mango (too sad ‘cause it wasn’t an Indian one).  Sooo ma aslom!!!! @_@

Smear preparation

Let me start with the definition:  Smearing is the process of spreading a thin film of specimen on the surface of glass slide or cover slip.  Preparation of smears should be properly done, since it is the primary step for microscopic observation to be reliable.  No matter how sophisticated the magnifying instrument is, if the smears are not properly prepared, microscopic examination will render it inaccurate.

HAHA!  So, we learned all about smearing, and we had our practical right after the discussion.  We made a smear out of the solid or semi-solid medium and out from the liquid medium.

                Cultures from solid or semi-solid medium:
·         Put a drop of sterile NSS at the center of the margin area.  (Oh yes!  Before that, we have to clean our slides with abrasive cleanser, rinse and dry.  Since our glass slide is newly bought from somewhere, we’ve got to remove the silicon coating or by passing over the flame on both sides of the slides.  Then, make a ¾ margin using a dermatograph pencil or a marker on one side of the slide.  This will help in knowing which side of the slide has been smeared, and label with correct data on the remaining unmark area.)
·         Pick or fish out a colony using an inoculating needle and let it touch the NSS (Normal Saline Solution) to emulsify and spread in a circular motion from the inner to the outer region, spreading to the entire length of the margin.
·         Let it air dry.  Heat fix.
·         Prepare for staining.

Cultures form liquid medium:
·         Using an inoculating loop, fish out a loopful of specimen.
·         Apply at the center of the margin area.
·         Spread in a circular motion from the inner to the outer region, spreading to the entire length of the margin.
·         Let it air dry.  Heat fix.
·         Prepare for staining.


Baad tissues

This really made my afternoon so hot.  Despite our bipolar instructor, people around me contributed to my devastation.  Hell yeah!  First of all, I want to thank my microscope for being so uncooperative with me.  I hate its low quality and was so bullshit to know that it was the oldest of them all.  Second, I want to thank my most ever beautiful instructor for making my afternoon so hot.  If not because of her, I should’ve finished my focusing in time, and not to think about time.  Jeez.  Kita niya gid lang nga law ay ang microscope, hulagon niya iya ya!  Mau na!  And lastly, I want to thank the people around me for being overpopulated in front of our instructor, and for wasting my audible time.  Thank you! >.<

TUESDAY, JULY 12, 2011

Earthquake wake up call

It was almost 5 in the morning when I felt something was shaking my folding bed.  By and by, I was awakened by the touch of my sis on my shoulder.  As I woke up, the first thing that I saw was our chandelier moving side to side.  Really creepy.  So, we called on to mother (who was in the rest room), and we went outside for our safety.  Really, really creepy. 

Next, when I was studying on my study table inside my room, I felt a little shaky.  It was the after shock we had felt.  Tsssss. >.<

Sabi ko nga eh!

I was really early in my first subject.  And that only means that our instructor won’t give us any paper works to do so.  Hahaha!  And, she was so late.  Yey! J  Noooo quiz!  Yay! :D


Ito talaga ang nangyayari kapag binabalewala mo ang mga minor subjects.  HAHAHA!  Gawd!  I was the lowest in our quiz!  All I did this morning was just simply read my notebook without mere understanding it.  Eh, yun.  Bagsak ako tuloy.  Hahahaha!

Peeta over Gale!

As we were waiting for our instructor in MT Laws and Bioethics, Nang Pau went in the room with three hardbound books in her arms.  As I saw the cover of those books, I was shrieking like a mad man.  Hahaha!  I quickly borrowed the third book which was entitled “The Mockingjay”, and scanned the last pages of the book.  It was Peeta and Katniss na nagkatuluyan.  Whooo!  If I were to choose between Peeta and Gale, I will surely choose Peeta.  Hahahaha!  Gale is such a chick boy.  LOL!  And Peeta was more handsome than Gale in the cast of characters (movie mode). J


After our last subject in the morning, I hurriedly went to Atrium because I’ll be meeting with my <3.  Hehehehe. J  I just waited for him at McDonalds and read on my assignment notebook in Histology.  Ni isang letra, hindi man lang pumasok sa ulo ko.  Hahaha!  And, finally, he arrived.  Yay! J  Ang gwapo niya!  TO THE MAX!  HAHAHA!  I get talaga so kilig everytime I see him or caught him staring at me.  Ang HOT kung makatingin.  Hahahahaha!  So, we ordered and ate at ease.  Hehehe. J

After lunch, we proceeded to the place that we usually tambay, and talked about a lot of things.  Hehehe. J  Saya!  I still have a class, and so we separated ways.  Awww. L

Head Bang: Part II

I always bang my head (sleep) in my Histology class.  Take note: every time we have our Histology class.  Hahahaha!  So glad that our instructor hadn’t caught me.  Hahaha!  Weeee!

Earthquake: Part II

As we were having our class in Clinical Microscopy, I was so irritated when I felt a long and sudden movement at the feet of my arm chair.  All I thought along was King playing with my chair with her feet, but as I looked below, she wasn’t even moving her feet.  Oh crap!  Another earthquake (or was it just the after shock?).  Tssss. >.<


His 2nd interview

Oh, good Lord!  Please be with him as he will take his second interview for his company.  And hopefully, he’ll pass this time.  Please, oh, please, Almighty God!  It was just odd as he texted me that the Singaporeans were surely late.  Hahaha!  He commented that it was the fault of a Filipino pilot/driver.  LOL!

Early dismissal!

After we finished on the last topics of calculations in Clinical Chemistry, our instructor immediately dismissed us.  Weee!  For we will begin our reporting on Monday.  Phew!  I proceeded to my dentist, and changed the wires and the rubber color.  I picked on red.  Yeah!  Hahaha!

Pink braces?!

I went to Atrium and will be meeting with my <3. J  It was my period, and I was some kind of dying of pain.  Hahaha!  I waited for him kung saan kami nagtatambay, and finally he arrived.  We talked for a while and let my stomach rest in walking under the heat of the sun.  Afterwards, we went to McDonalds and saw my sister with her friends eating at Floyds.  Oohhhh.  So, we greeted each other and we went in at McDo. J  After lunch, we proceeded to where we usually tambay, and saw (again) my sister sitting at the bench near the rest room waiting for her friend.  So, we made chika to her and eventually laughed.  Hahahahaha!  We roamed around, passed at them again, and there was vacant seat at our tambayan.  Hahaha!

Several minutes later, we decided to go to SM Delgado to roam around and extend our moment together.  Hahahaha!  We just roam and roam around, and it was time for us to say bye2.  Ahaay. L  Ma miss ko siya. L


Unproductive half day

Unproductive?  Was it because I wasn’t in the mood to do anything but, I did all of it?  HAHAHAHA!  Crap!  I totally forgot.  All I remember was (according to my adorable planner):  I did my laundry, studied on Cytogenetics, blogged in the evening, finished my assignment in Clinical Microscopy, and halfway finished my Theology assignment.  That’s all, folks!  Hahahahahaha!

People do come and go

Specifically, friends do come and go.  Friends for benefits only exits, true friends don’t. J  A true friend exist lang cguro sa lover mo.  Ayeee!  Hahahaha! J

Funny vids! ROFL!

I find this sooo humiliating!  Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!

FRIDAY, JULY 15, 2011

Amazing 1st subject

Our instructor discussed to us all about the planning methods, and we have the amazing quiz right after.  COOL!  Nice day to begin with.  Argh!

Library moments

King, Nang Val, and I ate at the cafeteria only.  Afterwards, we proceeded to the library’s discussion area to study on our long exam in Cytogentetics.  Waaaa!  Napapraning na kami!  Waaah!!!

Angry birds addict!

Throat Swab afternoon! J  Hahahahaha!  As my partner and I were waiting for our turn to do the throat swabbing, I played angry birds at her phone.  Waaaah!!!  They’re just so fluffy!   Waaaaaa! J

What a long exam!

Long exam pa ba ‘yun?  Seems that it wasn’t.  Hahaha!  Parang preliminary exam na!  LOL!  Darn me for not opening my notebook in Cytogenetics and study the importance and the impact.  Hahahaha!  Nakaka-inis!

Face-to-face with his cousin

As we were waiting for a Jarol Liko NFA jeepney, her female cousin passed by.  Hahaha!  She is of beauty.  Ganda niya, promise.  So, he introduce me to her and vice versa.  Hehehe. J

Finally, the jeepney arrived.  We rid all the way home, and was so happy to be together again.  Yisee!  Hahahaha! J

Lazy weekend


Lazy day but don’t have a choice

As I woke up in the morning, I wasn’t in the mood to move.  So, I forced myself to go to the kitchen and clean the dining table, the sinks and the containers.  After that, we ate our weekend breakfast: OATS.  After we ate, I washed the dishes.  After washing the dishes, I proceeded in the living room to read on my notes.  After my sister had finished taking a bath, I took a bath as well.  She’ll be leaving for her afternoon session in her school.

In the afternoon, I got to iron our clothes while texting.  HAHAHA!  Talented me!  Hehehehe. J  After I ironed our clothes, I got to rest for a while and did my blog.  Hehe.  And, I forgot what happened afterwards.  Maybe this day was not that interesting to me at all.  HAHAHA!

SUNDAY, JULY 10, 2011

What a nightmare!

HELL!  I really hadn’t sleep that much because I slept at 2 am.  Forgot the time.  Oh yeah!  I’ve got this scary dream.  I dreamt that I just left our house (but the house in my dream is nothing compared to my real house, and I study at night!), rid the pedicab and as I opened my bag, it were all the wrong books for the night.  So, I asked the pedicab driver to turn back and was shocked to know that he forgot where my house was situated and I was looking at him with my mouth opened.  So, I was at home.  I went in hurriedly, fixed my bag and things properly and something was bothering me on my left eye.  I saw something moved on the second floor, and as I looked at the direction, I saw nothing but complete darkness.  So, I forgot about that thing and proceeded on with my things.  Seconds later, as I turned towards our entrance door, something blocked my vision and it was so dark that I couldn’t see anything.  Only did I know that it was preventing me from going out the house.  Gawd!  I could hardly move!  I couldn’t even make a sign of the cross!  Jeez!  Really thought that I was gonna die! L

Refreshing study table

It was past 11 in the morning that I thought of fixing my study table in our bedroom.  And so, instead of studying my lessons, I cleaned and fixed my study table.  Hahaha!  It was oh so clean to the eyes, and very pleasing to one’s mind. J

Media player and the events that came up next

This night, I was busy making my playlist in Windows Media Player, and had also found out that I have songs of long, long, ago.  Hahaha!  So, I let my sissy hear some songs that would definitely break her heart.  Hahaha!  AND, she was still affected.  Harharhar!

And just later this night, I watched Gandang Gabi Vice.  Hahaha!  Super tawa talaga ako.  LOL!  Angel was one of his/her guest.  And, I was super amazed that she could touch her nose using her tongue.  Hahaha!  She knows how to rap, and puts on her eyeliner even when she’s walking.  WOAH!  Hahahaha!  I didn’t get to finish the whole show because it was so late, and I’ve got classes in the following day.  Hehehe.  Oyasumi! J

Friday, July 15, 2011


MONDAY, JULY 04, 2011

Suffering from sleep deprivation

I was not in myself when I woke up.  I tend to do things that was so not me.  Hahaha!  I would bang myself on the chair ahead of me, and stuffs like that.  Hahaha!  Really that sleepy.  Blame HISTOLOGY LEC!  Jeez. >.<

Nice morning to start with

We got to finish our experiment in our Clinical Microscopy LAB subject.  Hahaha!  Piece of cake.  And, I’m still suffering from that.  LOL!  Individual ang maghimo sng Albumin Test, but I took it as a group kay parehos lng ang specimen nga gnkwaan ni Yum2.  Hahahaha!  Huo gd, Tia!  Lipong much gd ah.  Hahahaha! 

Really felt good after knowing that we won’t be having a quiz in Clinical Chemistry LEC.  Wahooo!!!  But, so disappointed ‘cause I studied it pa naman.  Hahahaha!  Good2 aga! J

Mangga wrinkles

As we (Val, King, and I) were working in the library on something.  Val and I decided to go out to buy green mangoes.  Hahaha!  I asked her to buy one for me because I will make pa print pa.  After I did my thing, I proceeded to the library since I didn’t see her na at the 4th of July.  Hahaha!  As I entered the lib, I saw her just sat down.  The mangga costs PHP15.00 pero marami na.  Hahaha!  Yay!  After some minutes, we decided to make tambay at the UH Park and eat up our mangoes.  Hahaha!  I love the first mango that I ate ‘cause it’s not that maasim.  But when I gobble up the other two, I made a wrinkled face and they (King and Val) even laughed at me when I made a face to Lieca answering her question and answering ‘Rheostat control knob’ with a matching mukhasim that no one can ever imagine.  Hahahaha!  D ako ma stre-stress sa studies ko but will be stressed sa mangga na kinain ko.  Super asim to the max!  Hahaha!  And so good to know that I’m starting to L-O-V-E Indian mangoes.  Yummy! ♥

Sabi ko nga eh, sala2 experiment in Histo Lab

Hambalan gid mo!  There will be no time having an experiment with our instructor na hindi kami mag sala2.  Hahaha!  Since first year pa na, when we were having our Botany class.  Gawd.  Total stress gid ya.  Good thing she signed two of my drawings in Exercise 3 just before 1830.  Hahaha!  Bad thing was, I got to go home late because of the damn dirty slides.  Jeez.  And was raining cats and dogs.  I hate it when it rains and I’m soaking wet.  Haaaay!

TUESDAY, JULY 05, 2011

Thank GOD!

I went to school as early as I can.  I really have the feeling that we’ll be having a quiz at Bacteriology LEC.  But as our instructor came in, she continued discussing our lesson.  Hahaha!  Is this a myth or what?  Me getting to school early + our instructor’s lateness = NO QUIZ; me getting to school late + our instructor’s earliness = MAY QUIZ.  Ay suus!!!  ‘Wag naman ganya oh.  Tssssk.

What’s your problem?  YOU, MA’AM!

Theology came up next, and I wasn’t in the mood to listen to her.  Instead, I make myself pa unli and texted my ♥ of my life.  Ayeee!  Hahaha!  And, after discussion, she noticed that we weren’t listening to her; she announced that she’ll be giving a quiz on Thursday.  We reacted silently, and she sugponized, “I suppose that you’re ready to take the quiz the next meeting kay wala kamo gpamati.  What’s your problem with that?”  Hahaha!  Nami sabton nga “Kaw ma’am!  Ay ka leche gd tuod ah.  Tsk2.

Extra batchoy, but not that satisfied

I ordered an extra batchoy.  And after finishing the whole inside of the bowl, I wasn’t still satisfied.  Tsk2.  I should’ve have stayed at school and have a satisfying lunch.  Barato pa.  Tsk2.  And was also raining.  Hahaha!  Running in high heels.  Astig! O_o

Banging head

In Histology LEC, I was really that sleepy and I caught myself banging my head on the air.  Hahaha!  Then, I heard our instructor saying things that she pities someone who is banging his/her head and tries to open his/her eyes just to listen.  Hahaha!  And she added something up that we could sleep whenever we want basta ma excel lang in class.  Hala!  Ako gid to gna pabati batian niya mu!  Hahahaha!  Sa front row pa naman ako nakapungko.  Kadlaw ko ah!  Hahahaha!  Good thing that she didn’t give us a quiz about tissues.  Phew! >.<


I can’t take the stress anymore

This very night is my turn in washing the dishes.  Tsk2.  As I saw the piling of the mountainous dishes, I cried.  Hahaha!  I really can’t carry the stress anymore.  And I’ve got to sleep late again, but did not.  Eventually, I slept at Henry.  Ahay.  I just so love him to death. ♥


Today, I don’t feel like doing anything

Just this morning, we have a rainy lab in Clinical Chemistry LAB.  Just felt good because we won’t be having an activity because the lab manual isn’t out yet.  Instead, we studied for our next class, which was Clinical Chemistry LEC.  Just at the moment the clock striked 0810, our instructor told us to have breakfast (for those who didn’t have one).  Awww.  Kanami lng sa iya ah.  D lng namon siya pag abusohon ah.  Budlay na.  And just before that, something funny happened.  Hahaha!  Kyle and one of his classmates went inside the laboratory, and we all went shouting because Mae-vel has a crush on him.  Hahahah!  When he finally went out, she stood up and swayed her hair back and forth.  Wow!  Ang haba ng buhok ni ate.  Hahahaha!  Our instructor was really laughing to death, and she was so red!  Hahaha!  At about 0820, Lowela and I went out to take our snacks.  Since it’s cold, we decided to eat Lomi.  Yum-yummy!  Hahaha! 

The quiz in Clinical Chemistry LEC wasn’t that bad.  Hahaha!  But I find it bad when our instructor discussed to us the calculations in the laboratory, which I can’t catch up and that I seemed to forget already.  Hahaha!  Molarity, molality and normality.  She’ll be giving us a seatwork on Monday.  Phew.

Just after class, I went to Atrium to buy on my sticky notes.  Then, I brought some fries at McDonalds and ate it up as I am riding my way home.  Yummy.  Hahaha!  As I arrived home, my schedule went in bias.  I don’t feel like making my laundry because I’m so tired.  Hayst.  Sleep.  Sleep.  And, sleep. J

O!  Shocking discovery!

My sissy talked to me about his ex when he was in a study tour in China last summer.  She just learned something from her friend (who also participated in their study tour) that her ex had a mutual relationship with his crush that lives in Manila and obviously studied in a Chinese school, too.  She also felt bad when she knew that her ex gave that girl a huge teddy bear.  Oh gawd!  It’s like he’s cheating on her sang sila pa!  Jeez.  And so I called my honey, and discussed that matter with him and my sissy begged him just to ask him if it was true.  Tsk2. 

40 Gram Bacteria!

This night was a busy night for me.  I’ve got to study lots of notes, and that includes the memorization of 20 Gram Negative Bacteria and 20 Gram Positive Bacteria.  So glad that I’ve got to memorized lotsa of them. J

Dog whisperer

As my phone alarmed at 2200, I changed the channel to 16 because I’m gonna watch my favorite show in the National Geographic Channel.  Hahaha!  So, so glad that I’ve got to see my first love.  Hahahahaha!  A Siberian Husky. ♥  Cesar Milan is such a gifted Psychologist.  I really, really adore him.  As in WHOAH!  He got to tame lotsa dogs!  Can you ever imagine that?  Soo cool! J

I miss him to death

I cried myself to sleep because I’m missing him soo much na. >.<


Excited much?!

I really went to school so early, and I’ve got a feeling that our instructor in Bacteriology LEC won’t give us a quiz.  Hahahah!  And guess what?  I was the only one to memorize the 40 Gram Bacteria.  Hahaha!  LOL!  And she was also late.  Upon entering our room, she continued discussing our past topics.  Nyahaahah!!!  Yeah! :D

Room war

Theology was next.  We didn’t even bother to study.  Hahaha!  ‘Cause we know that she won’t be giving us a quiz, and our instincts were right!  Yeah!  She’ll be attending the departmental mass of their college, and she left us with some works to do.  Hay, hay, hay!  Tsk2. 

While we were doing our seatwork in pairs, a room war has happened.  It was between one of my friends and one of my classmates.  I just can’t understand what they were arguing about but I find it so nonsense.  If my friend could have had left him all alone, things would have been better and a lot quiter.  Jeez.  Really.  He was just a waste of energy.  Not even an attention.  Tsk2.

Sim failure?  ‘Wag naman

Just after our filming in Med Tech Laws and Bioethics, I couldn’t register myself to TRIO15.  Oh gawd.  It said that I was already expired and yet registered?  Oh come on.  Not just at that time.  We were in cold war (him and I).  He had waited for almost an hour for me at SM, and yet I didn’t know what time my scene will be finished.  Tsk2.  Jeez. 

At around 1230, I finally arrived at SM and he was waiting for me in front of KFC with a sour face.  Hala!  Ara na naman, gakurog tuhod ko.  Hahaha!  Tsk2.  We proceeded to Jollibee to eat our super late lunch.  Walang kiboay kami when we were eating.  Hahaha!  Gutom?  Or akig?  LOL!  After eating, we stayed a little longer and talked and laughed.  Then, we went out and went to the Globe shop.  I find it amazing in there!  Hahaha!  Real phones in the display!  Hahaha!  Pro blackberry tanan.  D ko feel.  Hahaha!

When I arrived home, I was frustrated to know that I can’t still register myself to TRIO15.  Jeez.  Kung bwas nga hindi pa ni mag okay, I’m gonna buy a smart sim.  Tsk2.

FRIDAY, JULY 08, 2011

Dyutayan na lang gid!

OMG!  As I went down the jeepney and crossed the busy street, I was so like lost when a taxi overtook a jeepney and nearly swept me to death.  Halaaaa!  D ko pa gusto mapatay!  Diyos ko!  Thank you dear God gid ya!  Salamat!  Phew! >.<

Sharing is loving

We’ve got a hard quiz in our Laboratory Management subject.  I really haven’t thought of the kind of test that will be given to us.  That’s not fair!  I thought it was a matching type of test.  Jeez!  Since our proctor was roaming around, na abot kami and did the bad thing.  Wala gd ya namon na expect mu.  T hambal ko sa ulo ko, kis a man lng ni ah.  Gawd.  But it was still a sin that I or we had committed.  Tsk.  Sorry gid, Lord. >.<  I cheated. T__T


I haven’t read my Cytogenetics notes well.  I was so frustrated to see that my paper was so blank.  Hadn’t answered majority of the questions.  Hahaha!  Gosh!  And we have a long exam next Friday.  Halaaaa! >.<  So HELP ME, GOD. T__T

What an adorable day to end with

I was so frustrated at first when I saw him kay nag reklamo siya.  Baw!  NA INIT GID KO NA NGA GNA OBRA YA TUOD PRO GA REKLAMO BLA AW.  AY ABAW!  DW MA GWA MAN KO SA PANIT KO NGA TNI WAY YA NA LNG GIN OBRA KNG GA REKLAMO MAN LANG SIYA PARA WALA T GAMO.  Ay maan na lng kay manenoy ah.  So I didn’t even bother to talk to him until we had pass through Robinsons.  T nag mayo naman mood ko ah.  We didn’t care if may mga tawo man sa palibot namon when we rid that jeepney going home.  Haha!  We were so kilig and laughed so many times.  Hahaha!  Ay ahay.  Cute2 gid ya. ♥

Sound system

Ari naman ta!  Was it our fault to be so sleepy?  Hambalan nga bwas ko lng gni labhan ang kutob nga mga lalabhan ko.  Ay naku!  Tulog ta na lng ni ah! 

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Stressed weekends (supposed to be a relaxed one, jeez)

FRIDAY, JULY 01, 2011

S-I-B-E-R-I-A-N Husky is LOVE

As I went to school, I saw a cute Siberian Husky walking with its master along the sidewalk of West Visayas State University.  As I saw it, I was in awe.  It was so soooo cute!!!!  Waaah!  I wanna have one!!!! J  In the mere future ‘cause I’m kinda busy this year.  Hehehe. ♥

My dream doggie ♥

PMT Freshmen Orientation and Grand Rally Day

At around 0800, we had our mass at the chapel.  Then, we proceeded to the UH Park to have our attendance check, and went to the Auditorium.  At around 1000, the program finally started (while eating our siopao snack with coke sakto) with some invocation of some professors/teachers.  The introduction of freshmen to us, some dance numbers, organization churva, and another dance number.  We went out and proceeded to SM City as Sir Matt introduced his organization.  As we ate at Mang Inasal, Lowela texted that our adviser was dancing in hataw on stage.  Waaaaah!!!!  NOOOOOOO!  And, we roamed around SM and went back to school after a little while. 

Grand Rally came up next.  We were asleep as they introduced all the running candidates for the three parties.  So sleepy.  Tsss.  We praised so hard as the program ended.  Yey!  Got to see my ♥. And something happened in the jeepney.  Hahahaha!  Amon2 lng na ah.  Yeee! ♥


Alumni Homecoming

Woke up early in the morning to go to school for the Alumni Homecoming to be held at the gym.  We had mass at first, then the motorcade, then the boring film showing, and then the program proper.  We welcomed the alumni with all smiles and laughters.  Aww.  It was so good to hear them all shouting and laughing as if they were still young.  Hahaha!  After we welcomed them, they photoshoot in front of the stage and we took our lunch.  Lunch was….okay?  Hahaha!  I wasn’t even satisfied. >.<  After lunch, they started with the real program proper.  So good and so funny intermission numbers.  HAHA!  I like it well when our adviser rocked the stage once again!  Wahoooo! J  At 1415, the program ended and I went home. J


My sissy and I went in the clinic of my physician, and was so lucky to know that there are only four vaccines left!  (2 to each of us)  Yay! J  After the vaccination, our physician told us to have our booster next year. J

SBARRO! Let’s go vegetarian!

After we took our vaccination, we proceeded to SM City to buy some snacks (and eventually just ate there).  I ordered the vegetarian pizza because it looks so yummy.  Mmmmm! ♥


Long, long night

Histo lec, please be kind to me. T__T  Got so many things to do.  Write, write and draw.  Jeez.  Tsk2.  >.<

SUNDAY, JUNE 03, 2011

Two words

FCUK HER.  Jeez.  She really is loud.  I really, really hate it when she speaks up about my blog.  I don’t have anyone to talk to in this house.  She won’t even listen to me.  Kung ano gna obra ko lng ang gna butang ko d aw?  Kay hindi man.  It’s my reservoir of anger, sadness, happiness, feelings that I can’t express in words.  Jeez.  Haaay.  Lain nag d man ang mga generation sng una ah.  Tsk2.