Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Lakwatsa Weekend


Car wash girl

I woke up early in the morning just to wash the car.  I took a bath, ate my breakfast, and cleaned the car as fast as I can.  I alarmed my phone to 0930, and fix myself for my meeting with him.  In the end, I left my alarm as it is and just kept on snoozing for every 10 minutes until my phone alarmed at 1000 that I really have to fix myself na because I was really, really late.  I hope he understands my situation.  Our said time, which was supposed to be at 1000, was moved to 1100.  Ayst.

This is really is it!

On this day, I’ve got to see my loves (AC and him); have fun, and have fun.  Hahahaha!  We all met at the National Bookstore.  Henry was there first, then Ayvie, then KM, came Euge and Dana at the Sbarro (we ate our lunch there).  Hehe. J

After eating lunch, Henry and I went out first to see this one of a kind movie.  It says “The Tree of Life”, Brad Pitt was the main character.  Hahaha!  So, we watched it anyway,  Few people only watched, and we just did nothing in there but laugh, and laugh of our doings.  Hahahaha!  We repeated the movie almost thrice.  Hahaha!

After we watched the movie, I texted KM and Ayvie if where were they,  Ayvie replied that they were in the department store.  So, we went there and hadn’t found them.  I called her, and that she didn’t answer.  And finally, she replied saying that they were outside Fujifilm.  Haha!  After several minutes, Henry and I went home. J  Such a bittersweet day, but had fun. J

SUNDAY, JULY 31, 2011

Busog Day

I woke up late ‘cause it was freezing cold and was tired of yesterday.  Hehe.  How I miss him so badly na. >.<  We’re supposed to attend mass at 1500, but a friend of nanay sent a message that they will be willing to go with us and have fun.  But as they were texting, her friend suddenly backed out because of reasons; that their boss won’t allow them to go out of the hotel because they still have so many things to do.  Okay.  That was the sad thing.  The good thing was the show must go on even without them.  Yey!  Mama will be going with us, and we have to wait for her here at home.  So, while waiting for her, I got to finish my report in Histology. Ending, still have so many things to put into the powerpoint.  Argh!  Damn that pinegreen. 

Just as when the clock striked 1530, Mama called out from the gate.  Hehe.  And we went to Tatoys.  As we had arrived, not much people were eating there.  Haha!  We ordered our food, waited for it, and gobbled it all up!  Yuummmmy! J  After all that, we dropped Mama at the Cathedral and we all proceeded home to rest for the 1800 mass. 

In the evening, I got to finish (sa wakas) OUR report in Histology.  Phew.  Got to sleep late again.  Night! J

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Been through hell

MONDAY, JULY 25, 2011

1st Anniv.  Hehe.

It was our 12 months of being together. J  Hopefully, we will make it to forever.   I’m the only one who can make him laugh and cry at the same time.  Hehehe.  He’s contented with me, and so do I, and we couldn’t ask for more.  I’m his world, he’s my world; I’m his everything, he’s my everything.  So, what more can we ask for? J  And yeah, for the past 12 months, we already encountered some ups and downs of life; the thicks and thins, and yet we were able to conquer all.  I’m very thankful that I have him in my life, and so do he.  Even though I hate the course that he’s taking up, I still love him to death, trust him to death. J  He knows that I’ll be saddened for our future; him so far away, and her as well.  I’m the one he wants to be with for the rest of his life, and so do I.  He’s so blessed for having me in his life, and so do I. 

The times that we fought, it’s just part of a relationship.  This will keep us even stronger, the bond that we have.  As two people fight, it strengthens ones bond. J  He can’t take it if I will not exist in his life, and so do I.  I had already loved him as him, and he had already loved me as me.  I gave him the reason to enjoy life more, study even harder, and plan even harder for the both of us in the future.  Hehehe. J  He also gave me a dozen reasons to enjoy life to the fullest with him, study even much harder, and plan even harder for the both of us in the future. J  We know that God is always there to guide us in every problem that we will encounter.  He’s my one and only man, and I want to share my happiness with him.  He’s this kind of man that I want to be with forever. 

We have to conquer all in order to survive this relationship.  Toast to forever, honey!   I want to be the reason for the smile on his face and that one girl in his life who can never be replaced. J  In sickness and in health, ‘till death do us part. J  I’ve found my living proof, my reason to breathe, and so does he.   Let the two of us unite, and be as one for a lifetime.  Thank you for the understanding, the care, the trust and the love that you have given me all these months.  Thank you for everything.  I love you soo much! ^_^  And that will never ever changeJ


Clinical Microscopy LAB exam was a blast!  Hahaha!  Fireworks, anyone?  Hahaha!  Everything went well except for the computations part!  Argh!  I should have subtracted it, not added it!  Damnit!  Zero na naman. >.<

Histology LAB period had arrived, and we didn’t expect that we’ll be having a practical exam.  Oh oh.  Focusing lang pala.  HAHAHA!  Phew!  After that, we had our quiz.  May quiz pa!  It was almost 1830, and yet we still haven’t started with our test proper.  Oh gosh.  Kawawa naman yung love ko.  He’ll be waiting up past 1900.  Tsss.  Good thing it was  a multiple choice kind of a test.  Hahaha!  Eh di natapos agad.  LOL!


As I went out the front gate of our school, I saw him sitting with a bouquet of flowers beside him.  Oh no.  I did not expect for this.  Tsk2.  But, I find it cute.  Yay!  Hahaha!  So, we rid the jeepney to home.  And, may kasamang ka echosan pa c papang.  Hahaha!  I just love him to death.  Really! 

His ola-mazing gift. 

TUESDAY, JULY 26, 2011

Freezing Day: Exams Day

MT Laws and Bioethics @ 1000.  Instructions consumed half of the front page.  HUWAW!  Hahahaha!  Gosh.  Super gosh.  And we went on.  Damn!  D ko alam ang Code of Ethics.  Hahaha!  Just read it, not memorize it.  Fool me.  Hmmp!

Clinical Microscopy LEC @ 1600.  All the types of examination were given.  Hahaha!  Just name it!  True or false, matching type, multiple choice, identification, essay.  Except for the enumeration.  Hahaha!  Phew!


As the clock was approaching 1600, our hearts and knees trembled with fear.  Why?  Due to what happened last Thursday.  Oh gosh.  Here comes the moment of truth.  Will she take revenge on us?  Will she be angry to us for the rest of her life?  Haaay! 

1600 striked.  And, here she comes approaching our room.  As she went in, she apologized that she was late.  And everything just fast forwarded after.  We say our sorry to her, and she even forgot what happened.  Hahaha!  Phew!  We love her again! J

Comparison na naman?

I really hate it when she compares someone to someone.  Gawd.  As she saw the flowers that Henry gave to me yesterday, she was saying that my ex’s were better than his flowers.  That’s bullshit!  I really hate her!  She ruined my oh-so-good-day.  Argh!


NO CLASS!  Boo-yeah!

I came rushing in to our Laboratory, and ended up that we’ll be having no class.  Wow!  Got to bring my veni kit, got to run because I was running late, and tadaaah!  No class pa naman pala.  No wonder that I don’t feel like going to school when I woke up.  Ahhhh.  Intuition?  Hahahaha!  LOL!

I Spit On Your Grave Marathon

Since I don’t have a class for this day, I got to see this horrifying movie that my sissy left me here at home.  She said that it was so brutal.  Hahaha!  Okay.  This is to test my courageousness.  LOL!

A scene from the movie that I just saw.
After watching the whole movie, I was like @_@.  It wasn’t that brutal, indeed.  Hahahahaha!  LOL! 

I just love your scent in your letter

As I was sitting in front of my study table, I saw his letter placed in an envelope.  I looked at it, touched it, and even smelled it.  Haaaay!  How I miss him so badly. >.<

Very productive afternoon

I got to study my Laboratory Management, got to blog, go to do my laundry, and got to iron my clothes.  Yaaay!  It was indeed a very productive one.  Congratulations to me!  HAHAHAHA!


Passed MT Laws and Bioethics!

I got 63!  HAHAHAHA!  That’s all.  LOL!

Rainy afternoon plus unexpected visitors

As I went down the jeepney, it was so dark, the sky is dark.  Oh gosh.  Let me just arrive home before it pours like hell.  Rid the pedicab, as I reached home I was shocked to see that the padlock of our gate was opened.  Hmmm.  Something fishy, I could smell.  It just rained when I entered our gate.  Phew!  Then, I saw that our main door was wide open.  As I approached it, my sissy opened the screen door for me.  I knew it that I have some unexpected visitors.  Okay.  As I went in, hello brownout!  Got to eat in the dark at the dining room.  FTH!

Aching body

I wasn’t really feeling so well.  After they all went off, I made my way to dreamland.  As I woke up, my whole body aches.  And I dunno what’s the reason behind it.  Hayst!  Was it stress?  Guess so.  Tssssk.

Waaaah!  Shampoo na naman! 

As I was going to wipe the ‘conditioner’ that I bought, I shrieked because all I saw in the label was a SHAMPOO.  Darn these eyes of mine.  Argh!

The thang that I bought. </3

Productive evening

Got to study my Laboratory Management notes, got to finish my Histology report, got to study my Bacteriology LEC notes, got to buy my conditioner, and got to iron my clothes.  Indeed a productive one! J

FRIDAY, JULY 29, 2011

Last day of exams!

Last exam in Laboratory Management!  Yay!  Hahaha!  Just taken for granted this subject.  And the test really made me think.  LOL!  Shet.  Expected the expected, Tia.

Gram staining!

One word: COOL! :D

The Gram stain ranks among the most important stains for bacteria.  It was introduced by Hans Christians Gram in 1884 and had been used since then to group bacteria and other microbes into Gram positive and Gram negative.  The procedure is based on the fact that Gram positive bacteria retain a crystal violet – iodine complex through decolorization with alcohol or acetone.  Gram positive bacteria appear as dark blue to violet when viewed under the microscope.  In contrast, alcohol or acetone removes the crystal violet – iodine complex from Gram negative bacteria.  These bacteria must therefore, be counterstained with a red dye, safranin, after the decolorization step in order to be visualized by the microscope,  Hence, gram-negative bacteria appear as red cells. :)

Too sad that I only saw the Gram negative bacteria under the microscope. >.<

Passed Cytogenetics!

Cytogenetics result was so okay!  I really made bawi my scores in my quiz!  Yay!  Hahahaha!  I so love it.  78% at first, then it was increased to 5 points and became 82-83%.  Yay!  Glad that I passed it!  Witwhew! :)

Extra-ordinary weekend


Uh uh Day

I hurried for school for our examinations in Bacteriology.  And when I just had arrived school, our instructor was late pa.  Oh come on! 

Our examination in Bacteriology LEC already started, and the questions were okay just when I reached the second page, my mind went blurry.  Oh gawd.  What the hell was this capsulated thing means?  The L-form and the N-form?  That was bullshit!  HAHAHAHA!  Oh gosh.

Next, Bacteriology LAB examination was really awesome!  Hahaha!  Easy, men!  LOL!  Thinks that I would perfect it.  HAHAHAHA!  Asaness!  Thank you, sir!  You’re really awesome!  Idol!  Hahaha!

Of all the days that I won’t be bringing money, bakit on this day pa?  Oh gosh!  Our exam in Clinical Chemistry LEC was moved to 12nn.  Oh gawd.  Palimos mode!  Glad Nang Val gave me money.  Hehehehe. J  Thank you soo much! ^_^  12nn came, and we’re all not prepared for the exam.  Got to embrace ourselves for the most horrifying event in our life.  Hahahaha!  Masyadong OA naman ni ate.  LOL!

Last exam for the day DONE!  Oh gawd.  What the hell was the last part about?  Right minus wrong pa!!  Shet.  Good luck for the results na lang.  AMEN.

Valentine Letter ‘11

Oh gawd.  As I read my phone after the horrifying exam, I received a text message from him.  He was saying that if I want to have lunch with him, I’ll just beep him.  Oh no.  T__T 

As I arrive home, I proceeded to my study table, and read his Valentine letter last February of this year.  I terribly miss him so much.  And this no load thing, keeps me insane.  T__T

SUNDAY, JULY 24, 2011

Hectic Sunday

  • Clinical Microscopy LEC – nadaah
  • MT Laws and Bioethics – nadaah

  • Histology – okay
  • Clinical Chemistry LEC (assignment) – okay
  • Clinical Microscopy LEC (assignment) – okay
  • Histology LEC (assignment) – okay

What a hectic schedule.  Sad thing was haven’t done anything in the morning. L

Attending mass with him for the first time

He has a class even on a Sunday morning at JB Molo.  Training stuffs.  He still hadn’t attended mass, and he asked me if we already attended mass.  So, I replied na-ah, and hoping that we’ll attend mass together with my family (first time).  Hehehe. 

Just as when the clock striked 1500, we’d finally met.  Hahaha!  First time ‘to!  Phew!  J

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Ups and downs, thicks and thins

MONDAY, JULY 18, 2011

What a wakeup call!

Mabibingi na talaga ako sa sound system namin!  Ay promise.  Argh!

Quiz hell!

The damn quiz in Clinical Microscopy LAB was hell.  Mas hirap pa cguro sa board exams.  Hahahahaha!  Oh gawd.  It was a seventy (70) item quiz.  Shet.  Di ko ‘yun kinaya ah.

Long break!

Our instructor in Clinical Chemistry LEC texted one of our classmates saying that she wasn’t feeling well and that she’ll be absent.  Yay!  Long, long break! J

Bacteria, here I come!  Ay!  May protozoa++ pa!

Whoah!  I finally found my bacteria.  Hahaha!  With a protozoa pa!  Yuck!  It really gross.  Blek!  As my classmates saw it, they shrieked, especially Andre.  Hahahahaha!  Tawa talaga kami sa reaction niya.  HAHAHAHAHA!  Check! J

Early dismissal!  Nyaha!

No class in Histology LAB!  Nyahahaha!  So, we just viewed our requested slides and took their pictures via the phone of Mae-vel, since my phone is halfway dead.  Hahaha!  1730 came, and I went out! J

Kilig moments.  Lalala.

We went home together.  Events that came after will be ours na lang.  Nyehehehehe. 

 Yeah right.  Haven’t studied a bit.  HAHA.

Oh gawd!  I haven’t studied Bacteriology and MT Laws and Bioethics!  Waaah!  I only did my blogging!  Patay! L

TUESDAY, JULY 19, 2011

Next week will be Calvary Week

Hell yeah!  Argh!  Prelim exams were extended!  So good, so bad.  Ugh!  Extended no unli’s eh nu?  Haay!  Miss ko na siya! :) 

Busy night

Actually, not that very busy.  Got to advance study on Clinical Chemistry LEC, study our report, study Cytogenetics, and transfer notes to my Clinical Microscopy LEC notebook.  I guess, the busy part will be the studying of our report. :)


Reporting day

Oh gawd!  We’ve got to extend until 1 with no lunch!  Waaaah! L  Reporting in Clin Chem starts.  Phew!  Goodluck to us.  Aja, girls!  Hahahahaha!

Survived the kulbaness

OMG!  Can’t believe that we actually survived the terror questions of our instructor.  We were like a melting ice in front when she questioned us.  And I was like. @_@  Hahahahaha!

Not my day

When we received our quiz papers from our instructor in Cytogenetics, I was like T_____T.  Low, low, super low score!  Huhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhu!  I’ll make bawi in the exam!  Aja me!  Go!  And we had our pop quiz.  At hindi ako nakapag study.  Waaaah!!!!! L


Start of Prelims

Theology was our first exam for the Prelims.  Hahahaha!  I just so love the test.  I’ll sure make bawi from the low score that I gave from our latest quiz.  Haahahaha!

Are they really friends for real or just for benefits?

Friends for real?  Really?  Hahaha!  I doubt that.  They made a U-TURN finally.  They were just friends for benefits.   Nice if they want something from you.  COOL.

Ooh.  Cats out of the bag.

Someone told me that there were rumors about this and that person.  The higher years were so fed up with the other person.  So aggressive.  And for the other one, I dunno exactly what the reason was.  That’s what they got if they’re being plastics.  Jeez.

I miss him soo much!

I miss his presence.  I miss his voice.  I miss his touch.  I miss his hug.  I miss his smell.  I miss his looks when he looks at me.  I miss his text messages.  I miss his sweet words.  I miss everything about him.  I miss HENRYL

FRIDAY, JULY 22, 2011

Urgent meeting

Oh gosh.  This was the doomsday!  When I had arrived school, everyone was so serious and I could see fear in their eyes.  Our first subject pa naman was one of those who were scolded by the pakana.  Oh gosh.  It was all about the Esbach tubes that weren’t returned on time yesterday.  One of my classmates was scolded in front of the other section horribly.  If I were him/her, I would’ve melted.  Gawd.  That was such an insane act.  And one staff at the laboratory held her grudges for us.  Oh well, that’s okay.  That’s life, and life should move on whatever happens.  Good luck to us! :)


As we were having our class in Laboratory Management, the audi was so loud.  I think there was an event, and we don’t know at first.  Moments later, we smelled something…HOTDOG!  Hahaha!  Our instructor smelled it too, and we proceeded outside (at the audi) to buy some.  Yummy!  It was PRISAAP pala.  Hehe.  Now, we know.  Ang daming mga gamit to be bought oh.  Hehe.

Throat swab!

This is it!  Hahaha!  I did the throat swab thing two times.  LOL!  My partner was a sensitive one, so I had a hard time getting some sample from her pharyngeal throat.  Tsk.  My partner was supposed to do it no sweat because I’m no sensitive one.  Hahaha!  The first attempt was not correct since she only planted a dot from my throat, and at the second attempt, I could feel that she’s swabbing my neck.  That yucky feeling.  YUCK!

Cytogenetics, DOWN!

Oh my.  As the clock is ticking to 1600, my heart starts beating so fast.  Cytogenetics, here we come.  Oh my.  I’m not prepared as our top 1 is.  Hmp!  As we have arrived the Alumni Building, we headed straight to the 4th floor, and find our seats as what doc had settled outside the room.  Since I’m a B, I was seated in front.  Hahaha!  Near the window!  Love it! J  Here it comes.  Good luck to all of us!  Aja! :D

I really fcking hate it when someone dukols me

I was just sitting at the sofa staring and typing at my laptop when someone dukoled me.  What the hell.  Even if it was just a joke, it’s nasty.  And I fcking hate it.  Jeez.  My poor brain cells.  Argh!  Bye, neurons. L

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Karambola weekend


Pink hanky

I just  the smell of him in his handkerchief. J

He gave it to me last 15/07/11. 

Haven’t studied!!!!!  Huhuhuhu!

Oh gawd.  My Saturday wasn’t a productive one this time.  I only studied half of Clin Mic LEC!  Waaah!  && Prelim Examinations are fast approaching, and yet I haven’t  touched any of my notes!  Daaang!  Blame laziness!  Jeez. L

Kagahod sa imo bala!!!!!!

Oh, well.  As always, mother is such a sound system.  I couldn’t concentrate on studying my Clin Mic LEC because she was tooooo loud.  Fcuk!

SUNDAY, JULY 17, 2011

Karambola Day

Long, long day, Sunday.  I’ve got to study the following:
Ø                               AM
·         Clinical Chemistry - /
·         MT Laws and Bioethics – nadaah
Ø                               PM
·         Bacteriology – nadaah
·         Clinical Microscopy LAB - /
·         Clinical Microscopy LEC – nadaah
·         Theology – nadaah
·         Cytogenetics – nadaah

So freaky many.  I only got to study three out of nine subjects.  L

Hello, avocado! 

I got hungry in my PM session while studying the MT Laws and Bioethics, and I found an avocado inside the refrigerator.  Hahaha!  Yummy! J

Muddy green avocado (alphine & some wash sugar). 

Sala2 afternoon

Since I haven’t studied my MT Laws and Bioethics that aftie, I gone all berserk.  Hahaha!  SSW, that is.  (Sala-Sala Warrior). XD


Since I was already exhausted by studying, I’ve got to have some load from a classmate of my sissy, and registered myself to UALL25.  Unlimited texts to all networks.  Take note: UNLIMITED TEXTS TO ALL NETWORKS.  With free 1 hour mobile internet.  Weee! J  Heaven.  Hahaha!  So expensive nga lang, in one day only.  Tsk.


I really hate comparison in this world.  One differs from the other, right?  Eh, ‘di sana nagging progenie (clone) na lang ang lahat ng mga tao para hindi na sila pagcocompare.  Gawd.  What was she thinking?  Asar!  Itulog ko nga lang ‘to!