Sunday, June 12, 2011

Mutants are PROUD

After we ate at Carlitos, we proceeded to SM City to buy for my things and watch X-Men: First Class.  It was already past one as we arrived in there.  The next movie will start at two, so we were like walking fast.  We went first at the grocery to buy my (our) requirements at the lab: safeguard, 300pcs sando bag, trash bin, zonrox, muriatic acid,  and eficascent oil.  Then, we went to Rose Pharmacy but it was too crowded, so went first to National Book Store, and again it was really so crowded, and back to the supermarket to deposit my grocery goods.  After that we went to the movie house and was shocked to know that the time schedules was changed.  The next movie will be at 1500, so we went down at Rose Pharmacy to buy box of masks, box of gloves and rubber aspirator.  Then, we headed to Ace Hardware and saw Dana in there. J  We looked for a cheap padlock (but in the end it cost PHP199.75), and went in the Department Store to buy my sissy’s notebook, and my intermediated pad and masking tape.  After that, we watched the movie! ♥

            After watching the movie, my mind went blank, and all that I think about was the movie.  It was really so amazing! J  Haha!  Want to watch it again and again. ♥

They really are awesome! ♥